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*Seraphine's POV*

I roam the edge of the highway, watching the cars and people pass me by, none of them look in my direction even when I flag them. I'm naked, freezing and confused. I'm not even sure how I got here. All I remember is thinking I was dead, dying. Nox. Nox killed me. I think? Everything is still fuzzy but bits and pieces come to me occassionally. I wish I could remember how or why I got here, walking the road in my birthday suit.

"Hello!" I scream, jumping up and down. No car stops nobody looks. "Please! I need to go home! I'm cold." I think I'm injured? There were gashes on my tummy.

I reluctantly speed up and head in the direction of the cars speeding past me. I see Christmas lights on buildings and houses that I pass, and decorated trees in windows. I watch with an aching heart as I see a family walking inside their home, little ones carrying packages and scurrying alongside their parents. I never recieved gifts growing up, I remember that much. Dad never held my hand or laughed. He never showed any sign that my existence was valid. I felt like a ghost most of my life. A ghost. Am I real, right now?

I slip off course to a gas station, where I walk through the store doors. A few people look around or shudder, but nobody acknowledges me. I throw my head back into my hands and I scream with everything in me. A baby giggles and looks at me, but nobody else notices. I am dead. I swallow hard and grab at things on the shelves. It takes several tries to hold the chocolate bar. I slump to the floor by the shelf and cry. I bet that seven people have passed me, none seen me. What do I do? Where do I go from here? I remember my apartment, but can I get there? I stand up and leave the gas station, continuing my trajectory from before. Just follow the highway. And I do, for miles and miles. Am I able to feel tired now? Why am I not tired?

A red sports car whizzes past as the daylightvstarts to fade. The sky is that dusky transition stage with long shadows, but still light enough to see. I look back at the car as it swerves. A man stares at me from the driver's side, eyes familiar, but wide with shock. He pulls off and runs towards me. I am scared at first, but I'm already dead. Why fear now? What more can be done?

"Sera! Is it really you? I'm sorry. So sorry. I should've treasured you when I could." He grabs for me but his hand goes through. I held a candy earlier, how do I make myself touchable.

"Who are you?" I whisper. I should know him.

"Justin." His eyes are misty as he looks at me. "Do you remember me?"

"I know your face. I can't recall much. How can you see me? Nobody else can. Can you take me to my home?"

"I know yours too. Anywhere. Even with those eyes...I-I don't know how, but I do see you. Your home, it's being rented again. They couldn't find any evidence other than your note after you left. Why can't I touch you?" He tries to take my hand again. "Why are you nude? Your stomach...how...did you die?"

"Why would I leave a note? I wanted to go home, so bad. I'm not sure why, but I kept thinking about it. I can try to touch you again. I held candy earlier, it took a bit though. I died like this." I gesture. "Naked and they tore my stomach." He smiles sadly.

"So you've been roaming, naked and trying to hold candies? Other than the nudity, that sounds fitting. You always loved candies..." I reach for his arm a few times, and finally grip his bicep. He shivers. "You did it." With my hand still on his arm he grabs my wrist and pulls me to him. He's so warm, and I sigh. I've been so cold and alone. He finally releases me and rubs his eyes.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No, not physically, Serabelle. Emotionally yes, but it is not your fault. It is my own. I should've been faithful. I should've bought you all the sweets when you were alive to eat them..." Serabelle!

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