Home. I like the sound of that more now.

"Thank God everything's fine now", I hear Leo's voice suddenly. I did not even hear when the door has opened.

"You better take good care of her Black or else I'm gonna throw hands!", he says in a serious tone. "You're already in my bad list with your name at the top written with red ink in capital and bold letters. Don't you dare hurt her! Lord knows how much I held myself from squaring up with you earlier! Anyways I'm waiting downstairs and I'm gone so continue both of you."

Leo takes his dramatic leave as always. I feel heat on my cheeks when I look back at Stefan.

"Wow", he chuckles. "He's really something. Quite dangerous as well."

I laugh at him. He looks lowkey scare of Leo.

"I missed hearing you laugh", he says giving me an affectionate look. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too", I say truthfully.

He picks me up bridal style in one swift.

"No more missing each other now", he grins and starts walking towards the door. All eyes turn on me and I try to hide my face in his neck.

"I can walk Stefan", I whisper yell. "People are staring."

"Let them. I don't care", he says and adds seriously, "I'm already working on my chance. I want to show you how much sorry I am for my words."

I lean my head against his shoulder and finally decide to ignore the probing gaze of everyone. Leo is already waiting for us near the car. He wiggles his eyebrows mischieviously when he sees me. My cheeks start burning instantly.

"Jess I'm leaving....", he starts saying but I interrupt.

"Already Leo?", I pout. "You said you will come home with us."

"I know", he sighs and adds with a smirk. "I will come at your place later. Right now I really need to submit my final assignment. I could not concentrate on it properly because I was so worried about you."

"I'm sorry", I say, feeling really bad that he could not do his work properly because of me.

"It's okay B", he shrugs. "Now get going. Liam must be waiting for you."

He gives me a kiss on my cheek and giving Stefan an I see you sign, he leaves.

"What's his problem with me?", he murmurs and shifts uncomfortably.

"Give him time", I console him while grinning. "Maybe one day he will like you."

"I don't think so", he chuckles and places me in the passenger seat gently.

"Ready to go?", he asks.

I nod eagerly.

We reach his house after a few minutes. I'm dying to hold Liam in my arms. I open the door quickly and Stefan chuckles at me.

"Eager are we?", he asks while removing his seatbelt. I nod enthusiastically. I just want to hug Liam. It's been so long since I held him. Well technically, it's been only an hour or so but still. I want to hold him.

Stefan comes around the car and helps me to get down. He wraps his arm towards my waist and makes me lean completely on him. He really won't let me walk huh?

"At this point why don't you just pick me up?", I tease.

"Your wish my command ma'am", he smirks and picks me up instantly.

"You're so silly", I laugh.

"I'm so happy you're back", he says in a low voice, his eyes shining with adoration and places a gentle kiss on my lips.

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