Stefano clapped his hands as he took cautious steps forward, “Well well, look who came after all. Does it scare you that you will die alone, Jacqueline?”

Jack was slightly annoyed that he had called her full name, but she let it slide. Keeping her expressions blank, Jack spoke letting the hatred for him seep into her voice, “It’s gonna take more than an idiot to kill me,” she sneered, and his face darkened with anger.

“Really Stefano, who brings eleven men to meet a girl? Shows just how cowardly you are. Guess it runs in the family. Your father was a coward too, that’s why he crashed my fathers’ plane.”

“Shut up bitch!” he snarled. “I know what you can do. Killing ten men with just a switch blade, you really are incredible. Its no wonder Dominic made you boss.”

“Enough talk, why did you bring me here?”

Stefano nodded and the man beside her kicked her behind the knees forcing her to kneel.

“Isn’t it obvious? You killed my father and half of my family. Now I am going to kill you in the most horrible way possible,” he spoke slowly, enunciating each word.

“Wow look at me shaking in my boots. I’m so scared. You’re being stupid really; your father was a bitch and he needed to die.”

“Shut the fuck up! How dare you! I’m gonna rip your throat out and feed it to …” he was cut off from his rant by a loud explosion above them.

He fell to the ground and placed his hands over his head. Jack glanced at the guard standing closest her and elbowed him between his legs. When he doubled over, she struck a pressure point in his neck and knocked him out. She grabbed the gun which she levelled at Stefano. Shots rang out around her, but she kept her gaze on him.

“I don’t kneel for anyone,” she said calmly.

He looked at the gun in her hand and slowly rose to his feet. He glanced around and noticed that six of his men were dead, the other five had their guns pointed at him. They turned on him, bloody bastards!

He began reaching for his own gun, but Jack stopped him, “Tsk tsk, I wouldn’t do that if I were you, you’re outnumbered. Its just business Stefan, no need to be sore about it.”

She took a step closer, “Did you really think for a minute that I would come in here unprepared? You are even dumber than I first thought. I have loyal men in every organisation, including the place where you buy your burgers. I knew it was you from the moment you formed the plan in that pea sized brain of yours. At first, I wasn’t sure which warehouse you would pick, so I rigged every single one in the city, and you ended picking this. Lucky me,” Jack said with a shrug of her shoulders. “What was it you said again?” she asked thinking.

“Oh yes, you said, and I quote, ‘Now I am going to kill you in the most horrible way possible.”

Stefano swallowed as he realized the tables had turned, “You can’t kill me.”

“Really? And why is that?”

“I am the Italian Lord, if you kill me, there will be no one else to take over.”

“You are right…. Which is why your family is no longer mafia lord of Italy, you have been stripped of that title. I’m giving it to the Esposito family, they deserve it.”

“What?! You would make those spineless humans the lords? You can’t do that!” Stefano fumed, spittle flying out of his mouth.

“Yes I can, and I just did,” Jack replied calmly.

“There will be war!” he threatened.

“With whom? Your dead family?”

Enraged, Stefano roared in anger and charged at her. Without blinking, Jack shot his kneecap and he fell hard.

Jack walked over to him and stopped just out of arms reach, “You’re right, I can’t kill you. I’ll let someone else do it, someone you shot.”

She was referring to the time Stefano attacked them during Dominic’s funeral.

Someone stepped forward and removed his sunglasses, it was Lucas. Stefanos eyes widened and he visibly gulped. Lucas has disguised as a guard. He had been with Stefano the whole time.

Jack turned and left the warehouse without another word leaving Lucas to finish the job. She leaned against her bike and took out a rolled up blunt from her pocket. Lighting it, she held it between her fingers and closed her eyes as she inhaled deeply, letting out the smoke through her nose.

She opened her eyes and looked at the vast outstretch of dry land as she took another puff. Lucas came out minutes later with a grim expression. Jack dropped the blunt and used the heel of her boot to crush it, then she handed him a hot pink helmet.

“What’s this for?” he asked with raised brows.

Jack put on her own helmet and settled comfortably on the bike before replying, “Its to prevent you from breaking your head in case you fall off. Now get on.”

“Nuh uh, no way! I am not entering that death trap with you.”

“You don’t have a choice dum-dum. The guys in there are going to use their cars to transport the bodies into the desert where they will dump it. So hop on let’s go, you are wasting time.”


“Alright, have fun walking. Guess you don’t mind walking the distance, about a mile or so, and under this sun, should be fun. I’m not sending a car to pick you up. Here is some water for your trip,” she pulled out her water bottle and stretched it out to him. And when he was about to take it, she pulled it back and drank everything then stretched out the empty bottle again.

He glared at her and snatched the bottle flinging it into the distance. He scowled at the helmet and glared at her, “Couldn’t you bring another color?” he asked eyeing the pink helmet with distaste.

“No, sorry. I didn’t know you would be hitching a ride with me, now hop on.”

Lucas reluctantly strapped on the pink helmet, and when Jack sniggered, he glared at her, “I hate you.” He carefully got on the bike behind her.

“You have to hold me Lucas.”

He put his arms loosely around her waist.

“Tighter. If you fall off, I won’t stop,” she threatened.

“Just shut up and drive,” he snapped but his arms tightened.

Huh, guess he did love his life.

Jack smirked as she eased the clutch and rode out onto the tarred road where she immediately increased her speed.

“Could you slow down?” she heard Lucas yell over the wind.


“Slow down!” he repeated.

Jack pretended not to hear as she gripped the throttle and increased her speed. He was going to have a heart attack from how fast she was going. She just hoped he didn’t puke on her.


Stefano is dead. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Imagine the girl above wearing a long sleeve pls.

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