Afterdeath Pt. 2

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"Yeah, and then he just slipped me his number like out of the blue." He told her.

"He did what?!" Kirstie yelled, scaring Mitch a little. "I can't believe that hoe." She rolled her eyes.

Mitch stifled a laugh, "Should I call him?"

"Yes!" She yelled.

"Okay! Calm down!" He pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"I can't wait till he's dead." Kirstie growled.

Mitch eyed her, dialing the guys number. The line rang a few moments before it was picked up.

"Hello? Who is this?" He asked.

"Um, the guy you slipped your number to at Chipotle." Mitch told him.

"Oh, yeah. Scott right?" He asked.

"No.. You never asked me my name." He explained, rolling his eyes.

"Really? Um, oh! I know. You're that brunette guy with the cool tattoos?"

"Uh, yeah." Mitch just went along with it.

"Cool. So, you want to meet up?" He asked.

Kirstie nodded quickly, hitting Mitch's shoulder.

"Yeah, sure. Sounds great. Where at?"

"You can come to my place." He told him.

"Okay. Send me the address. How about in an hour?" Mitch suggested.

"Perfect. Bye." Aiden abruptly ended the call.

Mitch furrowed his brows, "That was weird."

"His hookup date probably showed up." Kirstie crossed her arms over her chest.

"So, have you figured out how you're going to do this?" She asked him.

"Uh.." He scratched the back of his neck, "No, not exactly."

"Mitch, you have to have this perfected. It could go wrong if you don't."

"I know. I'm just terrified of this." He told her.

Kirstie sighed, "Look, I understand how scary it is, but it's the only thing to get me out of here. If you mess up, you will be stuck here. I don't want you to have to go through this." She said quietly.

Mitch's eyes softened as she opened up to him.

"If he tries anything, fight him back. Don't let him force you to do anything." She said, as if she learned from experience.

He nodded, "Alright. I won't."

"Just, be careful." She whispered, moving over to hug him.

Her cold arms wrapped around Mitch's frame, causing chills to rush through him, but he hugged her back nonetheless.

"I gotta go." He sighed. Kirstie nodded, letting go of the hug.

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