Devil's Halo

284 10 2

kirvin ( kirstie & kevin )

Kevin got off the plane, stretching his legs. Even though he loved traveling, he hated the cramped area of airplane seating. It felt good to finally stand after 7 hours.

As he entered the airport, he grabbed his suitcase at the baggage claim and called for an uber, for it was early and he didn't want to wake his friends. He opted to stay in a hotel for the night, for sleep was definitely needed.

When his uber arrived, he climbed into the vehicle, directing them to the nearest hotel. He put his headphones on, knowing that it was going to be at least a twenty minute car ride.

The vehicle approached the hotel, stopping abruptly. Kevin gripped the back of the seat, so he didn't collide with it. Thanking the man, he got out of the car, grabbing his suitcase.

Kevin walked inside the hotel, being greeted by the receptionist. She looked as if she didn't want to be there to which he understood. He payed for the cheapest room and left her a generous tip, knowing that she probably didn't get payed much seeing the state that the hotel was in.

He made his way to the tiny room, throwing the suitcase onto the bed. Stretching, he yawned, starting to get ready to sleep. He unlatched the case, opening it.

Before he had any time to think, the suitcase started beeping, making him jump back. He looked inside, seeing a pile of cash.

"Uh. Oh. This is bad... this is really bad.." His eyes widened as he closed the case in an attempt to get it to stop making noise.

The high pitched beeping only continued, getting louder until it was a continuous line of sound. He covered his ears, walking back to it. There was a keypad on the top.

He pressed a bunch of random numbers before hitting enter. The case vibrated, signaling that he had entered the wrong code.

Suddenly, someone started pounding on his door.

"Open up!" They yelled.

Kevin stood motionless, afraid of who would be waiting on the other side. The next thing he knew, his hotel door had been kicked down and a young woman had entered the room.

"Um, hello?" He asked, over the beeping.

"Why did you open that?!" The girl yelled.

"I thought it was mine!" He threw his hands up.

She rushed over to the suitcase, entering a code that stopped the noise. Kevin let out a sigh, rubbing his hands over his face.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I don't do names, kid." She picked up the case.

"Wait, why do you just have a suitcase filled with cash? Isn't that like not very smart?" He raised his brow.

The girl pulled out a gun, pointing it at him, "Do you want to keep asking questions or do you want a bullet in your brain?"

"I would like my brain to remain bullet free, please." He quickly stated, raising his hands.

"Good choice. You're coming with me." She said, motioning to the door.

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