Chapter 19: Two Different Games

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I looked at her and nodded and we turned and started to walk away. Matt looked at me with pure joy. A joy like I saw when he got married to Kennedy.

"What did Jackie tell them? Cause they are still standing there with their mouths hangging open." Matt whispers to me.

I looked at him ready to say something but Jackie beat me to it.
"Matt just saying what a real parent should be saying to those who think they should have that title. As proud as I am to have Rochelle in our lives, I am blessed to have you in it as well."

Ok so that done both of us in. We had tears in our eyes as we hugged Jackie. Jayson and Amber came up to us as well as Amber's mom and their daughter.

Amber's mom, Sandra, looked at me and hugged me. "Rochelle, I know I've thanked you for what you did those years ago for my daughter and Jayson. You are like my second daughter. Thank you. For everything." She kissed my cheek. That's when Jackie spoke up again.

"Can we clone her so we can share her?" We started laughing but Matt and Jayson both spoke up at the same time.


"Sorry Ms Jackie, but they broke the mold when they made my best friend. And personally, I wouldn't change it for the world." Jayson said.

"Oh lord, can you imagine if she had a clone?" Matt interjects. "Especially in her teenage years. Come on man you were there for that think."

"Hey I wasn't that bad." I said to them.

They both rolled their eyes and shaking their heads when saying yeah right. I playfully slapped them both as they wrapped their arms around me.

"Oooo, now I need to hear the dirty before my son does." Jackie says and laughs.

"Nope, no way no how." I said to her smiling.

"Don't worry we will tell you when she's not around." Jayson says.

We all laugh and headed to the arena via the huge limo Tyler got for us. Talk about spoiling.

The Stars did their best but for some reason it just wasn't their day. Jamie did good and got the team several goals and so did Tyler but the Panthers were just a tad bit better.

I was still very proud of him even if he wasn't happy. But he did his best not to be too upset around me.  I tried to give him a knowing smile but his was forced and fake. Something that I wasn't expecting or used to. Did it bother me? Yes and no. I wanted him to know that no matter what I was proud of what he did out there. But the way he is acting is hurting me.

We get back into the limo and make our way to the bowling alley for my tournament. The whole way there Tyler is completely quiet and shut off. Even his mom tried to make conversation with him and even he gives her one word answers. Its frustrating me to no end. I have got to get my head in this game or I won't be able to do what I need to do.

As soon as we get there I tell everyone I will see them later. Tyler's family gives me hugs and wishes me luck and the same with my little family. Tyler just looks at me and nods, not saying a word or anything. My heart hurts now just like it did when he said those words to me. I didn't even acknowledge him I just left.

As I did my check in for the day I found myself a quiet corner to listen to my music. Hopefully this will get me going. While listening to a few songs, as my eyes were closed, I felt a tap to my foot. Yes I was sitting on the floor, its something that I do. I looked up and saw Tyler with his hand out to me.

I took his hands and he helped me off the floor. After shutting the music off and removing the headphones I just stared at him.

"I am sorry for not talking to you properly. I was upset with myself for not performing the way I should have and I took it out on you."

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