Future of My Hero

Start from the beginning

"God I hate that kid," Bakugou said.

"Shut up Bakubitch, he was like you but smaller, meaning you should've seen yourself in the kid," Todoroki said.

"I did, that's what I hate him!" Bakugou yelled.

"So you hate yourself?" Todoroki asked.

Bakugou was speechless.

They boarded the bus, sat next to each other, & eventually reached UA, as a new bus had been formed to take students & teachers right to the campus, making things way easier.

The dorms weren't used anymore, instead being turned into a giant study hall & after school hangout for students that had time to kill. Teachers would also use it as an extra lounge when the students weren't around.

As Eri & Tamashiro reached the doors, they bumbled into Kota & Katsuma, two kids who were also saved by Deku as youngsters, and had formed a bond with Eri over the experiences.

Kota had a friendly rivalry with Tamashiro, while Katsuma was harboring a massive crush on Eri, but she didn't know about it.

"He better not touch her!" Aizawa yelled.

"Aizawa, calm down bro," Mic said.

"No one shall touch my baby!" Aizawa yelled.

Meanwhile Deku was giving Eri a stern talking about boys.

Eri was scared.

As they entered the doors of the building, they saw a bunch of other students running around.

They eventually reached the Class 1A room, still with a giant door. They walked in on Ojiro yelling at students.

Ojiro turned and smiled.

"Eri, boys! Thank god you're here! I can't get a hold of this class!" Ojiro exclaimed, happy to see the students he's known for a while.

"I'm guessing Ojiro is the teacher of 1A?" Hagakure asked.

"Yep," H said.

Ojiro was happy to see he was in the story, and to be training 1A.

Meanwhile, many heroes were standing in a crowd as an announcer started announcing the new top 10 heroes. 10-6 were all newbies, but the top five were familiar faces.

Yaoyorozu was #5, Tsuyu was #4, Kirishima was #3, Bakugo was #2, and Todoroki was #1.

"How am I only number 2! This sucks!" Bakugou yelled.

Todoroki simply smiled.

The others talked about their places, but All Might wondered where Midoriya was. Maybe he just didn't make the cut, but it didn't seem likely considering the path he was already on.

Todoroki gave his speech about being number 1, while Bakugou smiled in the background. Afterwards, Todoroki & Bakugou went out for lunch together, deciding to catch up with each other after all these years not seeing each other very much. Bakugou seemed to be a much more chill person, and Todoroki seemed happier.

Later, the bell rang & Eri went home. On the train ride, she thought about Uraraka, and how she's probably not home right now. And Eri would be right. As Uraraka wasn't home.

She was at the hero graveyard instead.

"Welp, I know where this is going," Kaminari said.

The others seemed scared.

Uraraka walked by multiple grave stones, reading names such as Aizawa, Nemuri, and Mirio.

"Oh no," Kirishima said. Everyone was sad at the news of the deaths of their teachers & friend.

She eventually reached the center. In the middle of it all was a statue of All Might standing above his grave, but there were smaller ones next to it. One read Nana Shimura, but the other read none other than Izuku Midoriya.

Uraraka gave a sad smile. She sat down in front of it.

"Eri started her first day of UA today, with all her friends. I'm sure you'd be happy to see her walk through those doors, wouldn't you? She's getting a real hold of that power, and I've heard Ojiro is her teacher. Todoroki became the number 1 hero today, so that was good too. I really miss you, but I know you had to do what you did. Have a good day, Izuku."

Everyone was crying. Midoriya was dead, and the way Uraraka visited him was saddening.

Even Bakugou shed a single tear.

Uraraka walked through the door of her mansion, seeing Eri crying on the couch, which made Uraraka sad. She sat next to Eri & sang her a lullaby, until Eri stoped crying & fell asleep.


"Well, I know how sad that was, so I'll let you leave, goodbye y'all," H said as he teleported everyone away.

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