Chapter Nineteen

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Listen the god damn song 💣💥

Alex POV

The alarm went off a couple minutes ago and I'm yet to get the drive to get up and go to school. I really want to just stay in bed and continue to wallow in my self pitying but alas my parents won't allow it especially my mom. She's all about facing fears blah blah blah.

I can't complain thou because they've been a major help in cheering me up. I had ended up telling them that the girl that mom slam the door on was actually the Mystique I told them once of. Mom was glad of what she did and sad because she didn't get to do a lot more.

But you know what mom is right I can't let because of ONE girl I go back to that place where I never want to go back to again. That was a dark and lonely place , I've locked away that part and won't be opening it at all. I have options for Christ sake , girls lining up.

Feeling a little bit better I got up and did my morning routine. I didn't really put much thought into my attire, maybe tomorrow.

Feeling a little bit better I got up and did my morning routine. I didn't really put much thought into my attire, maybe tomorrow.

Reaching at the table downstairs I sat down to eat watching my parents doing there own things , like they normally do. Glad they weren't making this awkward or even bringing it up. I just want to move on from this.

Not wanting to be even later than I already was I grabbed my things and head out. Driving to school has got me thinking a lot and I've come to a decision about this problem. It may not be what everyone wanted or even expected but I deserve to be happy and I will be with or without mystique.

I caught feelings thou, I really don't want to let go, I've learnt to fight for what I believe in and I believe in us, but does she?!

I quickly parked and headed to my second session seeing as I missed the first, English , thank god. I don't think I'd be able to hold the tears if I was to see her yet.

This day is absolutely terrible, its currently lunch time and I want to just go home and cry where no one can see me. Mystique was trying to talk to me today , I almost breakdown seeing her heading towards me but thank god my friends were there to lead me away and block her.

And that's what's it was like up until now , she trying and my friends doing everything to stop her. I nearly went to her at one point but the guys reminded me of why we are even in this mess in the first place and I got back a little determination .

I can't let her off the hook so easily , i plan to let her feel rejected as I felt but only for a today. I miss her , so after she suffers a little more tomorrow then I'll run in her awaiting arms.

Looking across the cafeteria I spot her at the table she always eats at, only difference is the lap dog wasn't there. Not that I care , if we were in good terms this would have been great because I'd get all her attention but alas it is not so.

She was looking real good today as she did every other day but something about wanting what you can't have or my case forbidding yourself to have , just makes it more pleasing , makes you want it even more. I love a challenge really.

She looked up and we locked eyes , I could see it on her face, she was begging for me to listen. I had to look away fast before I gave in. I can't afford to be weak in a situation as this. Some may say I'm childish or even petty but who give a f*ck really?!. Certainly not this bitch.

The bell rang and my friends and I got up to go our separate ways. They walked me to class as they were doing the whole day , as they said they didn't to give Mystique any chance. Knowing me i would have probably forgiven her already if not for them.

School just ended and I've decided that I can't wait till tomorrow, f*ck what my friends think, I want my mystique now so I'll forgive her a day early.

I waited outside the school so I'll won't miss her. After a couple minutes I spot her going towards her bike on the phone.

"Mystique " I said running towards her.

She turned around still on the phone, it looks like its a serious conversation.

Oh how I wish I could wait !(sarcasm ppl)

"Hey I really need to talk to you"

"Can this wait Alex, I was trying all of today but you didn't even give me a chance" she said annoyed .

"Yea well I'm here now and i want to talk , so can the person you're talking to call back or something ?" I'm bratty and I know it.

"No, can we call tonight and talk please , this is urgent " she pleaded

"Why--" I was cut off

"Mystique you there " lord god that is not who I think it is. Lord jesus please tell me that is not who I think it is.

"Are you f*cking, really mystique again , you're choosing him over me again ?" I said feeling even sadder now.

"Alex please , he's going through something, can't we just call and talk tonight, I promise we can even talk the whole night, but damon needs my help right now" she said desperately

"No f*ck that, I want to talk right now, I'm your submissive not him, you're in a relationship with me not him. I need you right now too" I said. The first tear fell.

"Alex stop being selfish, I can share my time --"

"You are always choosing him over me, you know what I want you to choose right now!, it's him or me. You're either going to hang up that phone or walk away." I said angrily in tears

"Alex don't do this, he really needs me right now, put your jealousy aside for a minute and allow me to help my friend. I don't want him to create those battle scars on his hands anymore , please I promise I'll talk to you tonight just please let me help him before its too late."

All I got from that was her choosing him

"So you've made your decision?, its him?" I asked just to be certain. I didn't even care that I probably looked ugly with tears running down my face and my nose running . I just want somebody , her , to pick me , put me first for once.

"Alex he needs me, I can't --"

Not wanting to her no more i turned and headed to my car, started running when she called, I got in and drive home. The tears and pain was too much I had to pull over and just let it all out .

Calming down I drove home and ran to my room.

Hearing my dad knocking a little later I told him to come in.

"I won't ask but I just want to say that the reason why some people turned against us or even walked away from us without reason has nothing to do with us. God removed them from our life because they cannot go where he's taking us next. They will only hinder us in our next level because they have already served their purpose in our life. Let them go, and keep moving , greater is coming ." with that said he patted my head and left the room.

I don't think there will be any greater than mystique but for now i need to heal and with space we'll see if it makes us realise our need for each other or lack of thereof .

I took up my phone and went to her name.

You made your choice, now I've made mine. If we're meant to be together then we will.

I blocked her number and turned off my phone .

Its soon new years 💥💥

What are your thoughts now our little couple?





Until next time my babies


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