Chapter 22

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3rd person pov

Ink got off the table, staring at the two with white pinpricks. He seemed... emotionless, but all his vials looked like they had been sipped out of... no, that's wrong. They looked full. Ink had only taken tiny little sips out of them.

Dream and Blue felt a shiver go down their spines. Emotionally numb Ink was creepy.

One time, Ink forgot to take them and he was bored. So, he re-arranged all the bones in his body so his head was somehow attached to his pelvis, his legs and his arms swapped places, and his spine was backwards. Blue and Dream were traumatized, and had no clue how the fuck Ink did that to himself.

"Blue. Remember how Error told you he felt something building up inside him?"

Ink said in a monotonous voice. Blue nodded slowly, feeling nervous. Dream felt his nervousness, and moved closer to Blue, taking his hand and holding it. He gave Blue's hand a reassuring squeeze, and Blue gave Dream a shaky, but thankful smile.

"Well, he was in a lot of pain suddenly, and so I took him to Sci's lab. Sci and I removed Error's restraints, and I think he exploded. But there was no dust. No trace of Error, he was just gone."

Blue and Dream gasped, but Dream seemed to be more composed than Blue at the moment, who was visibly sweating.

"He might still be out there. Let me see if I can somehow tap into his emotions..."

Dream closed his sockets, going completely still. Blue and Ink watched him, well... Ink was kind of just staring at Dream. Very intensely.

Dream entered the mindscape of feelings, with the destroyer in mind. He floated over to a glowing ball that was almost at the top of the realm.

How did Dream know what to look for? While Error was here, he memorized Error's emotional spectrum, what it looks like, and how to find it. It wasn't hard for Dream, because everything about Error practically radiates "Destruction", "Ow fuck I'm in emotional p a i n ", "Hard on the outside but very soft on the inside", "I'm an insane, edgy fuck", "I'm lonely and dying please just shut up and cuddle me" and "Angry kitten".

Dream touched the glowing ball, and shivered. Error was not happy right now, but he's alive. Now if only he could just pinpoint the exact location of the feelings and Error himself...


Dream cried out as he tried to link the feelings to a location, but something stung him. He tried again, and a little black wasp came and stung Dream again. Wait a second... does that wasp have Weeby's face on it-?


Dream cried out as he tried to link the feelings to a location, but something sent an electric volt through his body, and it was painful. Dream tried again, and was only met with the same shock.

Dream could almost hear Error's feelings, somehow. The sadness sounded like a dying audio, like an alarm that's pitch and sound was going flat, along with the occasional glitch.

Desperate shaking snapped Dream out of it.


Dream opened his eyes, and saw that he was on the ground, on his knees. Blue had his hand on his shoulder, looking at Dream with big, sad, pleading eyelights.


Ink was still. He looked at Dream with such an intense face, it made Dream shudder. Blue helped Dream to his feet.

"Did you find him?"

Ink asked, voice flat. Dream looked at Ink.

'...Poor Ink. He doesn't seem to be taking this very well...'

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