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Liliana, not a small girl but as innocent as one. Around 5'6, with beautiful golden locks of hair coming down to just below her bosom. Her angelic blue eyes like an ice cold lake in the Arctic circle and her skin as white as the snow around it. Not a typical Instagram beauty but a true beauty, one that comes from within and can't help but pour out into her physical appearance though she is oblivious to this. Everything about her dainty, from her fingers to her facial expressions and even the way she walks. Almost fairylike... from the outside.

On the inside she struggles with a constant battle of chronic pain and stress. She was recently diagnosed with endometriosis, a chronic illness that creates debilitating pain, fatigue and nausea; commonly overlooked. She is the type to stress about everything which in turn makes her illness worse, bad enough to sometimes pass out from the pain. In a world where evil lurks on every corner for nymphs like her, isn't she just to stress and worry so much?

Nick on the other hand is quite opposed to our gentle Liliana. With his Mediterranean skin that match his hair and stubble that rests effortlessly along his high cheekbones to his chiselled jaw line. His eyes a deep green, holding a lot of secrets and pain. Standing at 6'4, he towers over most people giving him and extra flair of power. He has an air about him that tells you he has been through a lot but it has only made him stronger. Ready to take anyone down that stands in his way, he is driven and not worried about what others think.

Having never found anyone that makes him truly feel at home and at ease, he has never shown his soft and tame side to anyone. His loving parents see glimpses but never the true kind hearted, warm and caring person he craves to be for the right girl. The gentleman inside him never hidden but always wanting more.

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