Chapter Five - Feast of Starlight

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Lútharían P.O.V

As Thranduil leads me through the doors I gape as I see the splendor. The great hall is illuminated by thousands of lights and if you look up it feels as if you are standing under the starry night. The hall is filled with hundreds of elves and nobles and all eyes turn to us as we enter. As Thranduil leads me to our table I see Elrond sitting there with his two sons, Elrohir and Elladan. Aragorn is also seated at the table together with his wife Arwen. Their little son and infant daughter is nowhere to be seen. As Thranduil greets them I can't help but wonder why they did not enter with us. Surely we are not more honored guests than them? I am guided into my seat, and when I am seated Thranduil walks away to address the crowd. I find myself missing his warmth and for a moment I take myself in wishing that he had never let go. I am too deep in thought to hear what he is saying, however the cheer of the many elves present brings me back to reality. I look to my left and see Thranduil walking towards me before sitting down in his seat. And first now I realize that I have been seated on the king's right side. A seat that is reserved for the queen, or in the case where there is no queen the closest male advisor...

I look at him, my surprise and confusion evident on my face but he only smiles at me, and I realize that I will not get an answer to that question now. I look around the table, my adar sits across from me and naneth is seated beside him. Then it is Elrond and Elladan. Legolas sits on my right side and Aragorn sits next to him. On Aragorn's left side is Arwen. She is sitting between her husband and Elrohir. "Le suilon Lútharían (I greet you)" I move my eyes to Lord Elrond who is looking at me. "Well meet My Lord. I am surprised to see you here, I was not informed of your coming." I cast a quick look towards the King but he is only smiling and lifts his wine glass to his lips. I force myself to shift my attention back to Lord Elrond. "We have not been coming for a few years. But we were invited once again and gladly accepted. We arrived today and our messenger arrived just minutes before us so it is not strange that this was a surprise. King Thranduil himself hardly knew." At the end of his sentence he is looking at the King with a smile and gives a slight apologetic nod. But Thranduil just waves his hand. "No worries my friend. I had a feeling you would come. And you are not the only one who came in the nick of time." He gesticulates towards Aragorn who is deep in conversation with Legolas. They must also have arrived earlier today then. I turn my attention to Legolas' and Aragorn's conversation. "I am sure it will work out well, do not worry too much." Aragorn reassures Legolas and though I am curious the expression on the elf's face prevents me from asking. I am sure he will tell me if it is important. "How have you been Aragorn?" I still use his old name, despite knowing that he now mostly goes by the name Elessar, that he was given when he was crowned King of Gondor. I will probably never get used to that change. "I am well, Eldarion is healthy and so is Elanor. They have both been put to bed being very tired after the journey. And everything is well and peaceful in Gondor." I nod, pleased that they all are in Mirkwood and that Gondor is well. I haven't been there since Aragorn was crowned King and that is starting to be a few years ago by now. "I miss Gondor. I will have to travel down there sometime soon." He nods, happy at my wish. "We would be delighted to have you! And yourself, how have you been? You have not traveled here for many years I believe. How do you find being here again?" Aragorn looks at me curiously. He is the only one apart from Linnoriel who knows the entire story, in detail about me and the Woodland King. Legolas turns to look at me expectantly, and despite not fully knowing Aragorn's intentions I am certain he has a better understanding now than only a few days ago. Although I can't see Thranduil I know that he is listening and I can feel his eyes resting on me. "I am well, although I could use a little adventure." He and Legolas laugh at my comment, knowing exactly what I mean. We are all very thankful that Middle Earth has peace. Even though we all miss the thrill of the adventure. I answer the rest of his question knowing it would be rather suspicious to avoid it. "And you are right, it is many years since last I was here so it is very nice to be back. I adore these woods." I give the safest answer I can think of hoping that he will let it be sufficient enough. But it seems everyone wants to throw me into the deep end these days. "And the people I hope. Legolas is very agreeable and the king has his moments despite trying to keep up his reputation." Thranduil chuckles at Aragorn's statement, and Aragorn looks intently at me making it very clear that his statement is hiding a question that needs answering. I look at Legolas and then cast a quick glance at the king who is watching me intently. "Certainly", I give a short answer but with a smile and a little laugh, I hope it is enough. And based on Aragorn's expression he is both pleased and a little impressed that I managed to get away from that question. And honestly, so am I. The food arrives and I have various conversations with the people around the table as the meal progresses. Nothing very interesting to be honest, Elrond complains about yet another one of his son's many pranks, I reminisce about old times with the two other members of the fellowship and my father spends the majority of the meal talking with the King. I will admit that Aragorn catches me zoning out of our conversation more than once. But I am really struggling to ignore the smooth, dark melodious voice of the king. The music starts playing louder, a sign that the time has come for dancing. Arwen and Aragorn leave the table and I turn around to look at the many dancing couples, wishing I could dance too. 

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