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{This chapter contains super violent and gore content. Not supervised for readers under 18. Serious warning} 

⚠️•You've been warned

Your POV

I opened my eyes only to be found in the same place. But with no one this time. I was all alone but not in darkness. The sun shined outside through the broken windows, giving me some light to look around. This place, is totally messed up. Everything was scattered here and there, dried stains of blood on the wall. And the disgusting smell of oil and rust surrounded the place.

Somehow, i need to get out of here, before anyone shows up. I started moving myself in a violent way. The weak wooden chair shook with me. And i fell with the chair on top of me. The legs of the chair broke in four peices.

I grabbed one peice and started to cut the rope. No matter how long it takes, i won't give up.



Its done.

I separated my wrists apart and broke free. I pushed the chair from me and got up before i heard a loud creak.

I dusted myself and ran towards a corner of the warehouse. And then i saw two men in suits going towards the chair.

When they saw no one, they got shocked. 

"Where is She?!?!" he said while looking around.

The other man went to the chair and picked up the broken peice of chair.

"She escaped" He said with a sigh.

"Boss is going to kill us." The other said with a scared tone.

The man just ignored him and walked towards the exit while the other followed behind him.

I sighed in relief and walked over to the door i entered from. When i got out i saw their car drifting off from the place. I silently started walking on my way to home, thinking about the things happened yesterday.

"I love you"

His words rang in my head and i couldn't help but to think about him all the time.

Could that really be him?

I wondered when my stomach grumbled. I groaned and ran towrads my home. It was 2 in the evening when i stopped before the door of my house.

I got confused, shocked and angry when I saw a "for sale" board on the outside.

I sighed and slowly entered the house and knew that it was empty. I walked up to my room and started searching for the copy of the USB.


I entered the computer shop, pulled out a seat and sat on it. I switched on the computer and entered the USB in the space provided for it.

3 Files.

I opened the first one named as "D.C.". The next thing I knew was a pang in my heart and tears flowed down my face.


(Graphic and violent content ahead)

= ♤ =

[Death Crew]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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