"I sure hope so."

Now we were engulfed in awkward silence.

"So about Daniel..." he drags off then continues, "Since we're alone now, you can pour your feelings out to me. Go ahead."

I sigh, "I don't know. It just hurts, you know? We live in the same house, yet we still have to keep our distance because he doesn't want any of us to get too attached. It's hard."

"It will get better. Just know that. And maybe, just maybe, you'll find someone else. The person who isn't exactly Daniel, but someone who you'll like just as much as you like Daniel," he says putting his hand on my shoulder.

He's right. I will find someone else and it's okay to have a hard time now because it will get better. It'll get easier. I hope.

"Thank you, Pres. Your awesome," I thank embracing him in a tight hug and we both pull back.

My arms were still around his neck and his hands were still around my waist as we were at very close proximity. Our noses were so close to touching and as I was about to pull back, lips are on mine.

Pres' lips, to be exact.

I plan on pulling away, but I just don't. I sit there stunned while he moved his lips on mine, and before I knew it, I heard the door swing open.

"Hey I need to borro-" Daniel's voice echoes throughout the room.

Pres and I immediately pull back and I stand up away from the bed and turn to a hurt looking Daniel.

"'Just friends' huh," Daniel scoffs, mimicking my words earlier.

I should've pulled away. This is my fault. Literally everything in my life is my fault. My fault. My fault. My fault.

"U-Um this is NOT what it looks like Daniel," I stutter.

Daniel's eyes switch from me to Pres and then back to me again.

"Oh it is what it looks like," he whispers to me but sounds like he's saying it to himself.

Daniel walks away and I trail right behind him, forgetting that Pres was still in the room. I call after Daniel as he walks out of the house, but he ignores me.

"Where are you going? You don't even have a car," I say still chasing after him.

We both speed-walk out of the driveway and onto the streets. He stops and turns around.

I stop walking and he just walks past me, our shoulders brushing against each other. I guess he's going back to the house.

I trail behind him and we stop at my room.

He walks around and grabs clothes then his luggage. Oh no, not this again.

"Daniel, you're not going anywhere," I say folding my arms under the door frame of my door watching him begin his packing.

"Why are you even mad? You're the one who chose to not be with me," I accuse, anger suddenly taking over.

He has no right to be mad. He was the one who broke off whatever we had. He was the one who chose that we stay away from each other while I protested. He's mad that someones kissed me even though I'm not even Daniel's.

He stops and turns to me and yells, "Because you said that you were just friends!"

"We are!"

He scoffs, "Didn't look like that to me."

"Because it isn't what it looks like at all! Just let me explain."

He continues packing hurriedly and when I was going to say what happened, he put on his earbuds and blasted out music so loud that even I heard how loud it was.

Are you fucking kidding me! Those pieces of shit again!

"Ugh!" I groan walking out of the room and into Tommy's.

Pres was at the edge of the bed with his feet on the ground and him facing down while his elbows were right above his knees.

Once he figures out my presence, he looks up and stands up.

He says, "I'm so sorry, Bella."

"No it's okay. I didn't pull away, so it's my fault," I shake my head.

"It's not your fault. Anyways, do you want to be alone or do you want me to stay?"

"I just want to be alone, thanks," I smile weakly.

"Okay, I'll see you, Bella," then he leaves.

What has just happened? I need to tell Daniel that the kiss meant nothing. At all.

I go to my room to see Daniel fully packed. Wow that was really fast. Must've got used to it from his previous packing and unpacking practices.

He was now sat on the edge of the bed, in the same position Pres was earlier. Looking down with his elbows on his knees and his hands locked together. Thank goodness his earphones were off this time.

"Daniel can you just let me explain? Please?" I plead walking to him and sitting beside him on the bed with our arms touching.

He looks up and into my eyes.

He then shakes his head and faces his head down.

I pick his head up to face me again by raising his chin with my index finger.

"Please?" I plead once again.


"That kiss between me and Preston meant nothing. He-" then my explanation was cut off when his lips was smashed onto mine.

I kiss back once I realize what was happening. This kiss was filled with anger and I can tell from the aggressiveness of it. Our lips move in sync and his tongue tries to find a way into my mouth but I make sure it's shut to tease. He bites on my bottom lip making my lips part and that's how he found his way onto my tongue.

His hands go from on my waist to under my shirt as he feels around. I pull on his hair and tangle my fingers into it as I get on top of his lap. I feel a hard bulge under me and I immediately know what it is.

He pulls away as we both finally breathe for the air that I realize I lacked.

Our breaths were fanning against each other as we were both breathing heavily.

He whispers while shaking his head, "We can't do this, Arabella."

"Why not?"

"We can't. You heard me yesterday, we can't do this."

I sigh and giggle to maybe change the mood, "I think you need an extra cold shower."

I see him hold back a giggle but he changes the look into a straight face, "Arabella. We can't do this."

He carries me off of his lap and looks me in the eye again.

I sigh again, "Well. I tried. You don't want me."

"I do want you. I like you so much tha-"

I cut him off, "Can we just try? Please, Daniel, that's all I ask for. At least for the time you're here. If you liked me so much then you would agree to continue whatever between us before you leave."

"We can't," he says then leaves while rolling the luggage with him.

Tears roll down my face again.

He left. He just left like that.

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