I Saw Mommy Kissing Satan 2

Start from the beginning

"I might not want to be a doctor. I might want to be an artist. Or maybe a teacher," says Ellis.

"Those are great areas too," says Addison.

"Did you always want to be a doctor?" Ellis asks Addison, slowly growing sleepy as she rocks in Addison's lap.

"Mostly?" Reflects Addison. "You know, sometimes it's hard to remember," Addison muses.

"Yeah," says Ellis. "Sometimes I don't remember things too," says Ellis. "I remember when mommy told us you were coming over with Henry she said you knew daddy," Ellis offers.

"Yeah," says Ellis. "She said you were friends with him," Ellis continues.

"We were, he was... He was my best friend for a while," says Addison.

"Yeah?" says Ellis. "You know who my best friends are?" offers Ellis.

"Who?" Addison asks curiously.

"Zola and Bailey and Henry," says Ellis easily, and Addison beams at this.

"That's sweet," says Addison.

"Is my mom your best friend?" Ellis asks Addison.

"Yeah, she's one of my best friends," Addison chuckles.

"That's cool," says Ellis.

"I'm glad you think so," says Addison.

"Of course," says Ellis. "Ooh, and I bet my new best friend is gonna be Santa!" says Ellis excitedly.

"I bet," says Addison cheerfully. "Are you ready to go back and play with your best friends?" says Addison.

"Yeah..." says Ellis, offering Addison one last squeeze before she runs back upstairs.

Addison sits for a moment reflectively on the couch before she gets up, and as she has her eyes closed, Meredith comes to join her.

"You know, I never knew that story before, either," says Meredith quietly as she joins Addison on the couch.

"Oh-" says Addison, realizing that Meredith had been listening.

"I- I didn't mean to pry, I just came by to see if Ellis was doing okay," offers Meredith.

"Thanks," says Addison genuinely, holding out her hand for Meredith.

Meredith accepts Addison's hand, and leans down on the taller woman's shoulder.

"I feel like we should have better prepared for the kids learning about our relationship," says Addison. "I feel like I took something away from them, and I hate that," says Addison tensely. "I should have gotten to know them better, said more things about how I wasn't trying to replace their father. I should have... A lot of things..." Addison sighs.

"Me too... A lot of things..." Meredith sighs, and keeps leaning back with her.

"Do you think they'll all ever accept me?" Addison wonders aloud.

"I think so," says Meredith. "Zola just might need a little more time," she offers. "I think she might be a bit thrown off that she wasn't the first one to find out, because she's used to knowing things first," says Meredith.

"Right," says Addison, recognizing Zola's role as the older sibling.

"Henry seems to be taking it well though," Meredith remarks. "He's so great with all of them," she adds appreciatively.

"Henry's an easygoing kid," says Addison. "I'm proud of him. He likes feeling like he has other kids around him, he was always so young compared to Naomi's kids in L.A," Addison offers.

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