Snowflake Pt. 2

70 16 54

Part 2

(Freeform Unedited)

Mine eyes do but watch the soundlessness of thy fall,
Coming to rest with thy brothers and sisters in brilliant white grace.

Silence is met by ears that hear, as only the whisper of the wind doth call,
Sweet white of blanket on earth's shoulders, rooftops, trees, and once green, now becomes thy burial space.

Slow, the individual snowflake becomes one, with brothers and sisters thy shroud of white melting,
Sadly makes way to crunching shoes.

Speed ahead my mind, as winter's chill gives way to musical spring such loveliness! Such life! In you, dear snowflake this world reborn! Set right!

Wake up oh world, and see the beauty created by such a pure and selfless act! Our friend, nature brimming with glorious news!

Mine mind shall drift to the present now, in winters path I wait,
Clouds gather black above, oh snowflake have we become too selfish? Thou hast given us food to eat and water to drink yet I look up and there are no snowflakes thus far.

The wind blows brisk across the field where we met, dried grass waiting for you to cover as bait for to rest, are we too late?

Then far away almost like a star, I see you. I think it's you. You're so very high above.
A shimmer here... a shimmer there... Breathlessly I wait...

It is you, my lovely snowflake, come to cover up the season of fall with your white like a dove.

I dare not touch your unearthly beauty, should you melt away,
But someday, by heavenly ordinance, we shall meet and dance, it's fate.

Snowflake (A Poem In 2 Parts)Where stories live. Discover now