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After that everything went by in a blur. Izuku couldn't keep up with the constant torture and stress. He started to blackout more and not respond at all. Compared to the first time he was captured, it was better to die but be revived. This was a different kind of he**. He'd think back and laugh at the time he thought that was bad, he'd even beg to go back to how he used to be tortured.

"See you soon." a voice called out from somewhere. Izuku tried to open his eyes. But he was so tired, so so tired, and suddenly everything felt so warm.

And he died.

Thank you guys for supporting me and sticking through to the end. Did I name the chapter because I was indeed tired, yes, yes I did. I'm sure everyone does it. Merry Late Christmas and I hope you all a good 2021. Of just, idk good time. and here's a video for yall.

Jkjk, here is the rest of the story

A̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶d̶i̶e̶d̶

"300 volts! Clear! His heartbeat isn't coming back! Let's try 500 volts, clear! Last try! 800 volts, clear!..."

"Doctor we got a beat!"

"It's too soft, we're losing him! Bring it back, this time only 200 volts! Clear!"

"You did it doctor!!"

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get more I.V drops the ones with painkillers, start getting him more fixed up." The doctor walked out of the room, nurses rushing the bed to its room. He looked into the eyes of the people standing in front of him. How he first thought they asked him because Recovery Girl was busy and how mad he was. Them begging while explaining the boy has no strength and they needed him. Thinking back made him look like such a fool. "It was a success." The simple words that made people cry and rejoice made his job all the more worth it.

"And, the damage?" Pro-Hero Erasure Head asked, holding a small girl in his arms.

"Ah yes, there have been far more severe injuries than before. It may be because of the state the body's in but it has definitely taken a huge toll this time. A lot of his skin and some muscles were-" I looked at the kid in his arms and coughed. "I don't think the kid wants to hear this." He made a small nod, walked out the room, and soon came back. The glimpse of the child being seen holding a nurse's hand. "Ahem, as I was saying most of his skin and muscles were disintegrated and there's a big chunk of his body that was burned badly. The bruises that I'm sure you all saw were scattered everywhere on the body along with rope marks. Some damage on the left eye that can cause future blindness or just bad eyesight. Much bite marks and, um, ahem hickies. But something must have happened because his spine was basically shattered. We were able to save it but depending on the way it heals he may never be able to move again." I looked up from my clipboard while handing it to the heroes. The poor school, if this get's leaked out, imagine the chaos people will go to.

-Aizawa POV-

I sat on the floor taking in deep breaths, Zashi next to me patting my back. Everything was going out of control, the fight that we thought was the end ended up with the villain running. Not only that but when we finally find Midoriya he's basically 90% dead and barely breathing. League of Villains, I will never forgive what you did to Shirakumo, Midoriya, or any of the students, you will fall in the end.

"Aizawa-san, is Oniichan ok?" Eri asked, coming back hand in hand with the nurse.

"He'll be ok, he's a tough one. He'll be ok." Eri just barely started recovering from before until God started to mess with her life again. But I won't let him, I'll see to it that Eri will live a good normal life. "Let's get back to the school ok? Maybe write him a letter, you are getting better at your alphabet." I said, hoisting her on my hip while Zashi trailed along beside me.


The next few weeks went slow for everyone, because of the amount of injuries Midoriya sustained and his records for forcing himself to wake up, the doctors put sleeping serum in his I.V drips. Later when I came without Eri, the doctor told us about how they will most likely scar other than the minor burns he received from the cardioversion and the bruises should heal up nicely. The doctors said how much of a miracle the spine was healing, and if this continues he will be able to move again with a bit of therapy. There will most likely be signs of PTSD, the doctor had warned, and maybe some other mental illnesses. Unless he had some already that they couldn't spot, but they won't be able to tell until he's ready to wake up.

"Oniichan said always trust your gut feeling," Eri suddenly said, surprising me out of my train of thought. "And I have a gut feeling that I should visit him at the hospital with you." she finished, smiling up at me while grabbing my hand.

"Did he? Well, if your gut feeling feels that you should go meet him you better come with me huh?" Slightly exhausted but proud of the clever girl Eri is growing up to be, I picked her up and walked out of the building. "Did anyone ever tell you you're in a way similar to your brother? Just don't copy everything he does." Eri, beaming at the first part of the complement quietly sat through the whole car ride.

"Aizawa-san look! Nejire-san taught me how to fold paper flowers, next she's going to show me how to fold a paper crane and help me fold a thousand of them." she excitedly whispered, showing me a small handful of slightly crumpled up flowers.

"They're very nicely made Eri, now put on this suit and mask. They'll help keep germs away from your brother." I said, handing her the child size. Lately, I realized that she got in a much better mood if I just called him your brother or Oniichan when she's around. I don't ever do this but she's a good kid.

"Why are the lights blue in here Aizawa-san?"

"It's to keep bugs and possible germs away."

"Do bugs and germs die because of the color blue?"

"I'll explain a bit more when you get older okay?" I said, wanting the questions to stop because even if I answer it she would reply with another question. Though she seemed disappointed in the answer, she stopped talking as we approached Midoriya's bed.

"Is he sleeping?"

"Yes, and you won't be able to wake him up," I added, making sure she knew he wasn't dead but he wasn't going to open his eyes.

"Wow, this might be the most peaceful sleep Oniichan's ever had. I wonder what he's dreaming about, maybe about flying." She said, stroking the hand that was only a bit bigger than hers.

I watched for a while as Eri never left her eyes or hands off Midoriya. Occasionally she 'whispers' something to him while gripping his hands tighter to fight back her own tears. Reluctantly I told her how we had to get going and can visit him again next. And while leaving the room, my hopes or the lights tricking my brain, I see a small smile etch on his face,

The next day was a Monday which sadly still meant school, and though Bakugo lost all his abusive tendencies, he also lost everything else. He would slowly trudge his way to school now, moving faster only thanks to his few loyal friends. And though some part of his glow came back during the fight, by the time it was school it was the same.

"Bakugo, at this rate you will only go down. If you need we can give you therapy and a tutor. Try to do good in my class." Though I give him this useless advice, I would hope he finds some sort of light. Something that pulls him out of the spiraling path which can only cause corruption and fix himself.

I look down at both my legs, tap on one to hear the metal clinking echo back. It was this new habit I got after the fight. It was this weird urge to check to see if I actually had a metal leg, to see if I really did lose a leg during that fight. Sighing, I crawled into my sleeping bag and fell into a dreamless sleep. Until I remembered that I promised Eri to help fold cranes. I quickly checked to see what time it was and was relieved to see that only thirty minutes passed. Leaving me 20 minutes to get there, more than enough time.

Walking there quickly I opened the door to the unused dorms (until Eri came) and saw that Nejire-san was just beginning to start the process of folding the crane.

"Sensei! Sit down, we were just about to start."

Made it extra long for not updating at all, Merry Christmas.

Chains (Part 2 of Freedom)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя