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"Ok then, let's start with the questions." Tsukauchi said, opening the file. "The notes that you left were both yours correct?" He gave the copied notes to Izuku, who quickly scanned it and gave a slight nod. "Okay, then. According to the Yakuza people, you seemed to be doing side things at night. Is that true?"

"Yes, especially for shopping. It's to keep my acquaintances from realizing. Except for the times when I do them in the afternoon, like when I met Nighteye."

"You're dodging the question. Did you do anything else for Chisaki." he said, all serious.

"I was..." Izuku replied hesitantly.

"I'm sure you know this is the last questioning that has to be done. Please answer truthfully, what else did you do for him?"

"Information hunting. Things outside the network, spying, acting, seducing, anything to get information." Izuku completely dropped his head. "Please, don't tell Eri-chan. Please..."

Quickly writing that down, Tsukauchi looked at the sad boy and hesitantly said, "Can you tell us who you investigated and for what reasons?"

"The League Of Villains and the Meta Liberation Army. 1 has a spy in UA, and the other has a spy in it. The L.O.V. temporarily joined us, although they never really found out about my existence, if they see a picture of me they'll know I was with Chisaki. The reason they joined us was because they thought they could use Chisaki, which they did. So that was interesting, but the Liberation Army has the hero with them. I don't recommend getting him with L.O.V. because it's really just up to time if they get together. Giran can also be up to something without me realizing, or maybe AFO? Hmm, but that can't be because..." without realizing, Izuku started rambling for the next 10 minutes. Because the information was critical, the hero and detective didn't say anything and recorded the whole rambling. "And with that I suggest you quickly sniff out the traitor before anything bad happens. Oh, but the reason I had to investigate them was because Chisaki wanted the 'diseased ones' to stop the ruckus."

"Ok, thank you Midoriya-san. We'll be off then."

"Ok." With that, he was yet again escorted out the room back to where Eri was waiting, now anxious about the Cutral Festival.

-3 days later-

"Hello guys!" The little mouse said, coming into the room. "Are you guys ready to go explore UA? You will both be escorted together with Aizawa-kun and Togata-san! Any questions?" the mouse said, standing next to both Mirio and Aizawa. After meeting silence, he decided to speak again. "Okay then, let's go!"

We got into the car and drove for about 15 minutes until they stopped in front of the infamous UA high school. We walked into the gate and went near the buildings I didn't remember was there.

"Excuse me, where are we going?" I asked, confused about the new layout of the school.

"To prevent any student casualties outside the school, we created a dorm system for the students. Right now we're heading to the 1-A dorm so Eri-chan will know more people and won't be surprised with everyone around her being new. You may not know, but to keep all the students safe this year, only the UA students will be able to attend the Cultural Festival. Of course, with the exception of you two." Nezu said, ending at the big building with the words 1-A on.

"Oh, because of all the villain attacks UA has been getting." I replied, taking in the new layout of the school.

"It's Eri-chan!" Someone said from a distance. Making me go into a slight defensive position.

Everyone who was in the building with the writing 1-A started pouring out, all coming out to meet the girl a few of their classmates went to save. I quickly scanned all of them to make sure there was no one suspicious. The only threatening one was the guy shorter than Eri. The way he said 'can't wait to meet you in 11 years' was alarming.

"Izuku, do you feel better now?" The nostalgic soft but slightly rough voice asked.

"WHAAA! Baku-bro, you can talk like that?!" A very loud red hair asked. "BROOO, be that nice to us too then!"

"Shut up shitty hair!" The normal rough voice answered back, making Eri-chan grab my leg.

Motioning me to crouch, she whispered in my ear, "He's kinda like Twice. Accept he's only nice to you."

I slightly frowned at the comment but picked her up, setting her on my hip. "Katsuki, stop. There's probably more places to be, let's get going." I said towards Aizawa and Mirio.

"Actually, I have to be going somewhere. You'll be going with Mirio." Aizawa said, turning to leave

"Welp, let's go!" As he enthusiastically walked about, I gently put Eri down. We walked a few flights of stairs until we came into what looked like a mechanic room.

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