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"Welp, let's go!" As he enthusiastically walked about, I gently put Eri down. We walked a few flights of stairs until we came into what looked like a mechanic room. "This is where UA's Department of Support is currently using all their time at!" He explained some things, but I stopped listening when one particular machine caught my eye.

"I see my baby has caught your eye! This cute baby #202!" A pink hair girl yelled in my face, making me very uncomfortable. Not to be rude, but she kinda smelled and was very dirty. Yet number 202, that is impressive.

"Hastume!! Don't go near that guy, you're gross!!" One man called from his station.

Taking a deep breath to not start awkwardly fidgeting, I quickly asked Hastume-san if I could look inside.

"You want to see my baby before the festival? You're interested, I see! Come, come!" She opened the little panel for the robot parts. My eyes widened quickly and started searching in the toolbox next to me. "Hmm?!?!" Hatsume-san exclaimed, now wide eyed that someone was tampering with her 'baby'.

"No matter how time consuming, you can't tangle all your cords together! That's one of the first things you should have learned, it could have exploded..." Although I started out with a half yelling half talking, my voice got quieter as I realized Eri-chan might have been hurt. "Togata-san, this room is too dangerous for Eri-chan, let's keep moving." I said, quickly grabbing Eri and going out the door.

"Oniichan, I'm fine, see? Let's count to 10 together." Eri said, making me panic about worrying Eri. "1, 2, 3," Eri started very slowly, imitating what I do when she panics. I couldn't help but smile, counting with her too.

-Eri POV-

The school was so active and colorful, just like in the books. Oniichan was always worried about me, but I thought it was fun. We met a beautiful lady, she was doing something for a pageant. Another lady had very long eyelashes, it was so funny. There was a boy taller than Oniichan that Lemillion called 'the dark side of UA'. The teachers were really nice too, halfway Oniichan disappeared and came back, saying he went to the bathroom. Lemillion never noticed, but it made me worry for Oniichan.

"How was today Eri-chan?" Oniichan asked, squeezing my hand lightly.

"There was lots of noise, one room went BAM! And the people said Aaa! And then people were laughing, so I was smiling." I didn't know how to explain something like this, but all the new people were really fun.

"That's good." Oniichan said, carrying me back to my room.

He then went away again with Mr. Aizawa, that's when a really buff guy and a skinny guy came in.

"Is it okay if we ask you some things?" The skinny one said, Oniichan told me that if people wanted to ask me things. I should, so I said yes.

"Is there anything that you feel people should know, or something that happened once with you and Midoriya-san?" He asked.

"Y-yeah, I wanna really say that he's sad! He's always so sad, he cried for me when I first met him, and he'd disappear sometimes. Then at night when he think I'm sleeping, he's crying. That guy once went B-bam!!! At me, but then he went Boom, and stopped him. His body went hiss and and," It was scary that time, the man was sanding him away. "And he turned into sand, but he came back that night. Red things were all over him, and bite marks. I think they tried to eat him." water came out my eyes, Oniichan never told me what happened. What if it was the wolf from Red Riding Hood, or the bad guy that came.

"Eri-chan, did he limp?" the skinny man said weirdly.

"Yeah, h-he was." Why did that guy know? Did those stuff happen a lot to people?

"Can you describe the man who hurt him before he disappeared?"

"U-umm, he had red eyes like me, and, and, he had shaggy hair. And he was scary, I don't know what he was doing, but he came with a weird lady. She was this much smaller than Oniichan, and had buns right here and here. She was jumpy."

"Thank you, if you ever need to say something, tell Aizawa-kun." The man suddenly left, and Oniichan came back.

"Eri, you need to do something for me." Oniichan said, he usually said hi.

"Okay, I can do it."

"Your confidence sometimes surprises me," he said, getting close to my ear. "Keep this a secret until...

This isn't all canon, so yes, Eri is confident

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