Joint P.E

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As everybody chatted all the way back to the dorms, only the heaviness of my stomach was all that came to mind. I really hope I don't throw up today.

-the next day-

"We will have a joint Phys Ed with Class 1-A, now go change." Vlad King said, leaving the class for us students to get our hero suits.

"A joint P.E? I wonder what we're doing! We never had a joint P.E!" One of the girls exclaimed as we headed to the changing rooms.

"Ha, a joint-" Before Monoma could properly say anything, I covered his mouth with duct tape.

"Please don't say anything rude, I'm just excited to meet a friend." I said, getting many questioned looks.

"Friend? Oh, did you have a friend in 1-A." Kendo-san asked kindly.

"Yep, he's really nice if you get to know him." I said, it was partly a lie, but really deep inside, Kacchan was probably the kindest person in the world.

"Is it my bro Kirishima!?" Tetsutetsu-san asked, pounding his fists together.

"Nope," I replied, putting my glove on, checking the mirror once again before stepping towards the entrance. "But he sounds like a nice person if you're calling him bro."

"He's so manly, man." Tetsutetsu said, dramatically wiping a tear.

"Dunce face!! Shut the f*** up before I EXPLODE THAT DAMN FACE OFF!" Kacchan said, making it easy to find him.

"H-hi Kacchan..." I uneasily said, not too sure how he felt about the name.

"Izuku! How's class? Are any of the sh***y extras bothering you?" Kacchan asked, slightly glaring at the class.

"No, I'm doing fine."

"Hmm, I like the costume choice. Can you move with it though?"

"Yeah, despite the looks, it's really comfortable. Gun proof, fireproof, and really nice flexibility." I answered, showing some of the hidden weapons.

"WOAH WOAH! WAIT, JUst WAIT!!" A black hair boy suddenly yelled, startling me. I wished he didn't do it because I found myself holding the knife I was showing Kacchan to the boys' neck.

"I-i-i-i-i'm so sorry. U-um, l-l-let me j-just put this a-away." I said, quickly removing the knife and putting it back on the hoister.

"U-um, it's fine, I was the one that scared you." He awkwardly scratched the back of his head, making me realize everyone was watching us the whole time. "I just wanted to say, BAKU-BRO!! You!?! You can be nice?! What?!?" He yelled again.

"Tch," with that short phrase, Kacchan walked away.

"That was the friend you were talking about? That's, well, unexpected." Tokage-san said, the class nodding along.

"Okay everyone, this joint class is going to be joined by Hitoshi Shinso. Let me explain what is going to happen." Eraser Head said, holding a clipboard in his hand. "This is to decide if we should put him in class 1-A, you will all be put in groups of five. The group of five will be battling each other. The first battle of group six, Shinso will be in a group with class 1-A, the second time, he will be in class 1-B. Vise versa, Midoriya will be with class 1-B, and then 1-A. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir!" Everyone answered.

"I will explain the groups." Vlad King said, taking the clipboard from Eraser Head's hand. As he finished explaining who is in what group, he quickly called me over.

"Y-yes sensei?" Oh god, if I'm in trouble for that knife accident, oh no. What should I-

"The support group just finished your support items, everything is inside and should be ready to go." he said, handing me a suitcase.

"Thank you."

"Why'd he give you a suitcase?" Ibara-san asked.

"It's the support items that I chose."

-Tsuburaba POV (one of the 1-B guys)-

It was honestly weird to think I'm going to be grouped up with the new guy. It's not that he's bad or anything, it's too fast to judge that. But his body is back to a fourth grader, he might not be as good as he used to be. What if he can't even control his quirk anymore?

"Let's start planning then, let's start with getting to know Midoriya-san's quirk. And since we already told him our quirks, we can just remind him if he doesn't remember." Ibara-san said, we all turned to Midoriya for his response.

The small boy started breathing in deeply and then looking up at us. "I'm quirkless."

The shock we all felt stunned us to silence. Our teammate that we have is quirkless, and we were almost about to go against 1-A and a brainwasher.

"Then how did you even get here? Can you even do anything?" Before I came to my senses, the words slipped out of my mouth, regret instantly washing over me.

"I-I don't really know either..." Midoriya said, starting to fidget with his fingers, he took another deep breath in and took out a computer from his suitcase. "I'm going to go over all of your quirks again." 

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