"Well I like unique sounding names. I don't want my baby to have some basic name because my child will not be a simple person."

I laughed. "That's sounds like something Devonte would say."

"I agree with you there Gianna."

"Anyway, I have five names if my baby is a girl. Armelle, Ulani, Paislee, Waverley and November."

"Oh wow." I giggled as a smile spread across my face. "Roman always said to me when we were back in Italy that he loved the name November."

Alexis smiled. "Great minds think alike."

"They really do. How about your boy names?"

"Cree, Mars, Quade, Easton and although it sounds a little old fashioned and odd, Leonidas. I don't think I could ever make my son a junior."

I nodded in agreement. "Ro wouldn't have wanted that anyway, he actually hated when people did that. He always said a baby should have his or her own identity." 

"See? That's why he and I just got along. We understood each other." She replied and smiled weakly while blinking away tears. "I want to know what you both think though. Are there any names you think I'd like? I'm sure you know names that Roman like Gia."

There's so many names I can think of and remember from discussing with Roman. Unlike a lot of other males I've encounter in my lifetime, he was a man who already had his future mapped out, all that was left was to execute it - which he will sadly never get to do. He wanted at least three kids and he had a list in his phone of the names he liked. They were all pretty unique and were from all over the world. 

"Well for girls his top names were of course November, then there was Emerson, Antonella which means first born or praiseworthy, Felice which means lucky, Genevieve and Catalina."

"Ohhh I love Antonella, that's so cute!" Lex cooed. "What about boys?"

"Sequioa, Oakley, Santino which means sacred, Alessio which means protector of mankind, oh and Renato which means born again or reborn."

"Alessio is cute, I'm not sure about that first one though."

"I don't know about y'all, but I love that last one. Oh Alexis dear imagine if you have a boy, wouldn't Renato be a perfect fit? It would be like Roman being born again."

Alexis smiled. "I like your thinking Em. I'll add it to the list."

"Honestly you seem to have a lot of good names Lex."

"I know, there's just so many to go through. When I get to Italy though I'll go talk with Corrina. She's so excited about her grandchild. There's already a nursery at her house."

I laughed. "Yup, that's definitely aunty Corrina." 

We continued to discuss baby names and Alexis' move to Italy for a solid two hours before both Emery and Alexis retreated to bed. It was going on ten but I was nowhere near tired, so I decided to stay up a little longer. Dishing myself another plate of dessert, I sat back down on my seat in the kitchen and began eating slowly while texting my father back as he said that he would call me tomorrow with details about his and Vittoria's wedding. 

I was almost finished with my plate when a pair of arms wrapped around me making me immediately drop my spoon and elbow whoever it was in the ribs. Hearing none other than Devonte groan out in pain, I turned around and got out of my seat. 

"Shit Gianna, what the hell?" 

"I'm sorry baby, you gave me a fright. I didn't even hear you come in." I said quickly while rushing to the freezer and grabbing out an ice pack before going back over to him. "Here. Hold this on your ribs, it'll make you feel better."

Perfect Fit | August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now