"You're kidding me, right? You brought the kid!" Tony sighs and looks back at his friend.

"She was sick, I'm not going to leave an 8 year old, home alone while sick." 

"So you brought her to a casino." The man sighs and runs his hand down his face. "How'd they even let you in here."

"I'm Tony Stark, who wouldn't let me in." Tony looks at his friend and shrugs before turning back to the game, hoping to play another round. 

"Oh no, no, no," The colonel turns to Happy. "You get the kid, I'll deal with this bozo." Happy nods before heading over to the girl, and Rhodes turns back to his childish friend. Seeing he was about to start another round, he grabs Tony's wrist and pulls him away from the crowd. 

As the group are leaving the casino, Tony and the Colonel, are in front, Happy and the kid are behind them, and a couple other body guards in the back, Rhodes bids his farewell and leaves the group. Once they get to the car, a convertible, Happy lifts the little girl over the side to sit down in the back. He then opens the door for Tony to hop in the drivers seat. Before he can get in they are stopped by a voice.

"Mr. Stark! I'm Christine Everhart, Vanity Faire magazine. Can I ask you a couple questions." Its a young women with wavy, dirty blonde, hair. She was dressed professionally in a suit and pencil skirt. Tony whispers something to Happy before turning to the girl.

As they are talking, the little girl looks around. She has blonde hair, and bright blue eyes, yet they held no life. She seemed very monotoned and bored. And for an 8 year old she had pretty dark eye bags underneath her eyes. No one ever really noticed, and she liked it that way. If no one asked, then she wouldn't have to tell them the real reason she doesn't sleep. She looks over at Tony who at the moment seemed very serious about the small interview. She wished they were close, but she could tell that both of their personalities were very different. Or maybe, that was an excuse that she told herself, to make her feel better about the fact that she didn't want to open up. Especially to him. Her thoughts were cut short as Tony and now the young lady both got into the car. The reporter sat next to the little girl as Happy and Tony sat up front. Deciding to make a good impression the reporter tried to start a conversation, keyword tried.

"Hi." Christine started off, after receiving no response she turned forward in silence. 

"Ah, that's Stephanie, a kid I'm looking after for a while, she's not very talkative." Tony remarked. Christine nodded and the ride was silent as the drove back to the airport to head home. Stephanie sighed, maybe it's good that she doesn't open up to Tony. He is her legal guardian but he still doesn't want to admit it. And until he does, their relationship will remain on rocky roads. 

This is gonna be a long flight.


Malibu, California

The next morning Stephanie was seated on her living room couch reading a book that she got out of Tony's library, when the girl from last night walked in calling for Tony. What was her name? Stephanie couldn't remember, was it Chelsey? Karen? Chrissy? Whatever, it's not like it would matter to the 8-year-old anyway. 

"Oh!" The kid looked up. The girl wandering around the house seemed to just notice Stephanie. "It's you again, what are you doing up so early?" Stephanie laughed in her head, the girl seemed nice but Stephanie never really spoke to anyone, so she just looked back at her book and continued to read. "I'm Christine," Stephanie sighed and tiredly look back up to the girl that she, now remembered, was "Christine" the reporter. "Do you know where Tony is?" Stephanie nodded yes, but immediately looked back down to read. Christine sighed before looking around for Tony herself, realizing that the kid would be no help. She came across the tablet looking thing on the wall. When she reached out to touch it, Stephanie mentally giggled knowing what's to come. As Christine touched the tablet and short alarm rang out, and a robotic voice told her that she wasn't authorized to enter that area. Christine jumped back.

"That's Jarvis, He runs the house." It was Pepper, Tony's assistant. Stephanie always like Pepper, she was the only person able to put Tony in his place without getting fired. And, not that Stephanie would ever admit it, she always thought of Pepper as a mother figure. They both held respect for each other, and Stephanie liked that. "I've got your clothes here. They've been dry-cleaned and pressed and there's a car waiting for you outside that will take you anywhere you would like to go."

"You must be the famous Pepper Potts."

"Indeed I am."

"After all these years, Tony still has you picking up the dry-cleaning." The two where now standing in front of each other, and Stephanie could tell that Pepper didn't like how this girl spoke to her, and to be honest Stephanie didn't like it either. To Stephanie, Christine sounded like a stuck up b-

"Stephanie," the 8 year olds thoughts were interrupted by Peppers voice. "Your tutors' are ready for your lessons." Pepper smiled at the little girl, she was so fond of. She didn't understand why Tony didn't enjoy the kids company, but she never questioned it. Stephanie nodded and grabbed her books. She scowled at Christine on here way past, and headed to her room, where she would be taught by the best tutors in the world, via video chat.

On her way out, she could slightly hear Pepper replying to Christine. "I do everything Mr. Stark requires me to do. Including, occasionally, taking out the trash." Stephanie couldn't help but let out a small giggle, but quickly covered it up. She hated letting out emotions. Growing up, she was taught that emotions showed weakness, and emotions were what got her parents killed. At least that was what she was told.


After Christine Leaves / Before Tony leaves for Afghanistan 

"Tony!" Pepper called out to her boss.

"Yes, Pepper"

"Before you leave this house, I want you to say good bye to Stephanie." He sighed and looked at his assistant. In his mind, he knew Stephanie didn't like him very much, and he knew it was his fault, but it was to late to fix that, right? 

"Tell her I said goodbye, and if she's mad or upset that I didn't tell her personally..." he paused. "Buy her a pony, 8 year old girls like ponies, right" He shrugged and turned away.

"Have you ever asked her what she liked?" Pepper looked at Tony annoyed. Annoyed that he ignored this little girl who, wether he liked it or not, was his daughter, blood related or adopted. 

"Ask her for me." He hurried up the stairs from his workshop, not knowing that refusing to say goodbye would be something he will regret. After yelling a quick "Bye!" He was gone. Pepper sighed, why couldn't he see that their relationship is important.



Stephanie in the HOUSE! I know she seems a little boring at the moment, but Stephanie and Tonys relationship will get better don't worry. There going to be a lot of fluff later on in the book. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter, remember if you have any suggestions on how to improve my writing don't be afraid to let me know. 

I hope you all are eating and drinking, staying healthy you know the drill. Just remember you are important and I love you all. Have an amazing day or night.

Hugz and kisses 


Iron Man 1 [MCU x OC] [Book 1 of the Stephanie Stark Series]Where stories live. Discover now