3: the rejuvenator

Start from the beginning

"Here she is, my new best friend Spinel." Steven said as Spinel moved away from Tigers eye and bowed. "A pleasure to meet you all." Spinel said lowering her normal voice range, Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot gave confused glances. "I thought you said she was just trying to kill you?!" Bismuth said in a confused manner. "Wow quick turn around." Lapis commented.

"No kidding, it took me months to stop trying to kill Steven." Peridot replied, Bismuth hummed. "I say it took me a day, day and a half."Bismuth comments with the two gems. Lapis raised her hand. "Im still on the fence." The three gems laugh at their little joke. "Alright let's see the thing she hit you with." Peridot said moving away from the two and towards Steven.

"Uh right." Steven responded taking out the black metal stick and putting it into Peridots hand. "Woah? Is this like a laser or something?" Peridot asked fiddling with it until Bismuth snatched it out of her hands. "Be careful with that, it's a rejuvenator." Bismuth said pressing the button on the stick to reveal the syth type thing now known as the rejuvenator.

"Home world used to use these things on gems that started stepping out of line, one hit with this-" Bismuth pressed the button on the rejuvenator compacting it back to the metal stick. "-and your back to how they made you." Bismuth looked at the smaller reset gems. "What are you looking at?" Ruby sent Bismuth a harsh glare. "Oh my stars, I touched it! I could have lost all my character development!" Peridot exclaimed fearfully but then realized. "Wait how did you survive being hit by that thing Steven?" Peridot asked turning her attention back to the young man, who just realized as well. "I think I didn't, my human half kept me from poofing, but-but my gem half it took the hit!" Steven lifted his shirt to look at his now dull gem.

"She sent me back, it's like I'm a kid again! I can barely control my powers!" Steven shrieked his eyes swelling up with tears. "How do we reverse this? Oh no do I need to get the diamonds?"Steven asked as Bismuth handed Steven back the rejuvenator. "Your the one with healing powers, if anyone can fix this, its you." Lapis said to the young adult. "I can't believe this. For the first time in years everyone's in danger. Everybody needs me, and Im usless!" Steven said looking back at all the gems.

"Bismuth what do we do?" Steven asked them, Bismuth looked down. "I'm sorry Steven." Bismuth sighed. "I don't know" she said in a quiet voice. Steven looked at the Ruby and Sapphire. Ruby looked back at him and glared crossing her arms. "Garnet would know what to do. Garnet always knows what to do." Steven said his voice waving slightly was tear welled up in his eyes.

Spinel popped up behind him. "Hey! Don't be sad. Your new best friend, your new best friend. Your new best friend! Your new best friend Spinel is here!" Spinel exclaimed giggling cartwheeling her way around Steven before stopping infront of him to do a hand stand and clasp her sqeaky shoes together.

Who we are song (skip iyw)

"Here we are in the future, here we are in the future and its wrong." Steven sang sitting down onto the pavement of the scaffolding. "Just a second ago we were singing this song." Steven pulled out his phone to show a picture of Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet and him posing for the camera. "And now they're gone, because of her." Spinel winked at Steven to cheer him up. "Happily ever after there we were" Steven looked back down hopelessly.

"When has it ever been easy? Hasn't it always been hard, to be us?" Bisumth sang walking over to Steven. "When you go against the grain, and there's always somebody around you can't trust." Bismuth looked at Spinel, who was looking around in confusion, then shrugged. Tigers eye, once again, almost pulled out her weapon, but stood beside Spinel and glared at Bismuth.

"Thats why we've got to have eachother! why we figure this out we must!" Bisumth sang helping Steven stand. "Because we are the crystal gems! And we never give up!" Bismuth sang finally walking away from Steven. "We never give up on our friends!" Bismuth hugged Peridot, and Lapis, and pointed to Steven.  "As long as one of us is standing to brandish the star. We'll find a way to save the day! that's who we are!" Bismuth sang posing with Lapis and Peridot with bright smiles.

Tigers Eye Is A Gem! Oc X Spinel Where stories live. Discover now