3: the rejuvenator

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There was a silence in the air as Tigers eye and Spinel got up, until Steven broke the silence. "YOU!!" He yelled and ran up to Spinel gripping her shoulders and shaking her. "What have you done to us!!" Tigers eye tensed up, she was about to pull her weapon, but she retalited when she heard Spinel giggle. "Boop! now it's your turn!" Spinel exclaimed cheerfully booping Steven's nose, before wrapping her arms around him and shaking him violently.

"Would you cut that out!" Steven yelled, Spinel paused. "Please?" Steven added, Spinel dropped him with a goofy smile. "Hey look, there's more gems! Let's ask them to play!" Spinel asked Steven, going back to Tigers eye and hugging on her arm. "Wait a minute, you don't remember?" Steven asked. "Remember what?" Spinel asked.

The injecter was still in the ground injecting the pink liquid into the earth. That was enough to jog Tigers eye's memories but not Spinels. Tigers eye looked at the injecter in fear having regained her memories, but Spinel looked at it in fasnation.

"Woowie that thing sure is big! You wanna climb it or something?" Spinel asked bopping up and down. "Wait, wait. are you serious right now? What about the stuff you said about I won't stand a chance against your injecter?" Steven asked, Tigers eye tensed. "I said what now?" Spinel said scratching her head. "You really don't remember, huh?" Steven said looking at Spinel. A pink lion came into view as and Steven started talking to him.

"How about you lion? Can you make any sense of this?" The lion roared at him. "Aw your no help either!" Steven said looking back at the black metal stick in his hand. "At least I can store this thing in your mane." Steven said pressing the stick into lions mane. Only for it to fall on the floor. "I can't store things in lions mane now!? That's like the easiest thing I do!" Steven exclaimed in a stressed tone. He picked up the metal stick again glaring at the details, before looking back at the injecter.

"What do I do? I've got no friends to help me, except." Steven looks at the bright little homeworld as an idea came to mind. "Bismuth, lapis and peridot. Come on guys let's figure out how to fix this!" Steven said dashing towards little homeworld but immediately stopping to see no one following him except a excited Spinel slightly dragging the Tigers eye a little ways ahead of Steven who had stopped. "Guys?" Steven said turning back to the group of reset gems.

"My um Greg allow me." Pearl said taking an umbrella out of her gem and placing it above Greg's head, then Amethyst shaped shifted into Greg, and Pearl alternated between Greg's, in confusion. "Ruby, Sapphire?" Steven turned to them with a desperate tone. "She's not going anywhere with you!" Ruby snapped in a harsh tone, but Sapphire interjected. " I do see us following him to the country side." Sapphire said her voice monotoned and calm before Sapphire walked to the young adult herself. "Nevermind! we're going!" Ruby said in the same harsh tone walking after the Sapphire.

"Wait! don't leave me alone with these two!" Greg said nodded his head over to the two gems, Amethyst now mimicking Pearl by shape shifting into Pearl. "Just keep an eye on them for now. I'll be back!" Steven said before dashing off towards the two gems. As Spinel took Tigers eye's arm and ran towards Steven, Ruby, and Sapphire.

The injecter was tall, almost tall enough that you couldn't see the top, almost, the top was a smooth cut out magenta heart. Peridot looked at it in surprise in her binoculars. "She rod in on that!" Peridot exclaimed in shock lowering her binoculars.

"Yeah, she said my human half wouldn't stand a chance against her injecter." Steven explained. "What does that mean?" Lapis asked, "why don't we just ask her?" Peridot said as if its the easiest thing in the world. Bismuth walk away from the group and got a little to close to Ruby and Sapphire causing Ruby to block the way to Sapphire.

Tigers eye looked around for a second before tapping her feet on the ground as if in worry or impatient. "Well, here's the thing-" Steven was cut off by a tap on his shoulder Steven looked around for the source, with Tigers eye. Steven felt another tap on his other shoulder and looked to the other side. "Where'd she-" Steven was cut off again by Spinel hugging his arm and shrieking, "Surprise!" And giggling, before moving and hugging onto Tigers eye's arm.

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