memories of you

Começar do início

I sighed, wondering if Newt was going to say anything. When he didn't, I kept talking, "Didn't tell anyone because I didn't want people to think I was more suspicious than they thought—being the only girl, I mean. But as soon as I looked into your eyes I knew that I must've known you somewhere else."

I awaited his response, maybe feeling like he actually went asleep now. But when he shifted and sat himself up, I knew he wasn't. Newt looked into my eyes like he was holding back so many words. All I wanted right now was for him to open up. Maybe just a little crack into what he was thinking... I wanted to help.

He opened his mouth, but no words came out. It was like he had to force himself to speak them, "I thought you were familiar too," I tried not to show how surprised I was by clenching my jaw and gently grabbing onto his hands, "And...I've been ha-having this same reoccurring dream...of you and me."

   "What is it?" I asked softly, "It's okay if you don't want to tell me...just whatever you're comfortable with."

  He nodded before speaking, "In the dream, it always starts with you waking me up. And I always remember feeling," He looked up to the sky, trying to find the word, "I always feel so...happy at that part. And then you walk to the bathroom."

My jaw clenched even harder, now knowing what dream he was having. But I let him speak, "Every time I have the look...worse and worse every time. Th-The first time I had it, you just looked super tired, but as time went on...your veins were all blue and stuff," He shook his head like he was trying to get the image out of his brain, "But no matter how bloody awful you look, I always think that you're beautiful."

   I let out a small smile, "Thank you."

   He nodded, letting the corners of his mouth twitch up as well, "And then you started crying, and I start reciting these a buggin' prayer. Every time it's the same thing..."

  He took a deep breath like he was going to start reciting the words, "It goes like...One day we're gonna get out of this place..."

   I literally felt my heart stop as soon as he said those nine words. My head felt like it was going to explode from what Newt was telling me right now. If we knew each other before the Maze, then what were we? All of this was just confirming my thoughts of what the dream actually was. A memory of some sort. The question is, what happened to Newt at the end?

  "We're gonna get out, and we're gonna get as far away from this place as we can," I began reciting the same words with him. His head shot up in surprise, and his eyes widened for a moment before we continued to recite it together, "We're gonna go somewhere safe. Somewhere they can never touch you again."

   "When we're older," We continue, almost in tears, "We're gonna have a dog named Lucy. We're gonna live in a house on a beach..."

   A small fear felt out of my eye as Newt leaned forward and pressed his forehead to mine, "And we're gonna be happy, and we're gonna grow old together."

   We both laughed before saying the last words together, "We're gonna be old people..."

   He wiped the tear from my eye, something else besides sadness now, "What are we? Some strange bloody witches or something?"

   I shrugged, smiling, "I don't know, but I think we have the same reoccurring dream."

   Newt brushed a piece of my hair out from my face, and he gently pressed his lips to my forehead. My heart was heavy, but in the best way possible. All of this must've been some strange voodoo stuff, or maybe our memories were coming back...but I highly doubted that. It was crazy that even in a moment such as this, where Newt was mourning the death of his best friend, we somehow managed to put things into perspective and make each other feel better. I don't know how we did it, but somehow we did. Maybe that's because our brains are strangely similar, or because it was just meant to be like that. I don't really believe in all of this soulmate stuff...I don't even remember what the concept is, but if I were to ever believe in it, I think Newt would be the closest thing to one that I can imagine.

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora