"I'm Nishinoya," his voice was drastically different to all the other boys you had met so far, "I'm the libero for Karasuno." He jerked a thumb up at his chest to clarify that he was proud of the position he played. 

 "It's nice to meet you, Nishinoya," you laughed at his enthusiasm, "I bet you could teach me a thing or two." 

 Next to Nishinoya was a boy slightly taller than him. He had unruly, orange hair and brown eyes. He seemed relatively skinny, but his smile radiated a cheerful and energetic personality. You assumed this was the Carrot Top Mr Ukai had told you about. According to Mr Ukai, this boy was loud and passionate when it came to volleyball, and his skills rarely faltered. He didn't shake your hand either.

 "I'm Shōyō Hinata! Wow! Coach Ukai told us about you - it's so great to meet you!" Hinata was bubbly, to say the least. His smile was infectious, causing you to grin equally.

 "It's an honour to meet all of you guys, Hinata. I've also been told about you, and I can't wait to see you in action!" you chuckled. His eyes widened.

 "Woah! Coach Ukai told you about us? About me?!" his disbelief was evident.

 "Yeah, he did. I hear you're pretty amazing, Hinata," you nodded. 

 "I'm amazing?! Coach Ukai says you're great! And you're so pretty!" Hinata was overly excited and you absolutely loved it. 

 "Okay, that's enough from you, Ginger," Mr Ukai interrupted, "Y/N is like a daughter to me, so don't any of you go pining after her, okay?" It was kind of Mr Ukai to act as a father figure for you. Hinata looked as though he had started to panic.

 "What?! I wasn't pining after her or anything like that, Coach!" Hinata scrambled for the right words to explain himself, "I just thought she was really pretty! I'm sorry!"

 "It's really fine, Hinata," you put two hands out in a gesture of reassurance, "It's really sweet of you." 

 "I'm Kageyama," a boy with black hair cropped short, with a fringe that hung just above his dark blue eyes said. He shook your hand. "If you'll be around for a while, you'll get used to this dumbass." 

 "I see," you quietly responded. You guessed Kageyama was Hinata's friend, albeit his solemn demeanour. Then, an abnormally tall boy - the tallest out of all of them - came towards you. He had short blond hair, pale skin, thin eyebrows and golden-brown eyes. He didn't look too impressed or happy with anything, which you saw from the frown resting on his face. On the bridge of his nose sat a pair of black glasses. He didn't shake your hand, opting for a curt nod instead.

 "Tsukishima," he simply declared. You nodded at him with a friendly smile. 

 "Nice to meet you Tsukishima," you tried being kind towards him. Next to Tsukishima was a boy with dark grayish-green hair with a flyaway piece of hair sticking up at the top. Freckles decorated his face, as well as a timid smile. 

 "Hi. Uh. I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi," he voice was soft. You smiled at him.

 "Lovely to meet you, Yamaguchi," you made yourself seem approachable. After Yamaguchi, Mr Ukai introduced you to Hisashi Kinoshita, Chikara Ennoshita, Kazuhito Narita, Ittetsu Takeda and that girl in the white tracksuit from earlier (you learned her name was Kiyoko Shimizu). Kiyoko was very sweet but didn't talk much. She was very pretty, and Nishinoya told you that she was the Goddess of Karasuno High's volleyball team. She was the team's manager. You liked her. 

 The only person who you hadn't been introduced to was the shirtless boy who was celebrating earlier, who now appeared to be talking with Nishinoya. He was still shirtless. 

 "For God's sake, Tanaka, put your shirt back on and get over here," Mr Ukai commanded. Tanaka whipped around suddenly, placing both of his fists on his hips. 

 "What is it, Coach? Jealous of my sexy," the boy trailed off as his eyes met yours, "Sexy." He sounded desperate. You raised an eyebrow up. His voice was raucous and he seemed to be rather boisterous to you - Mr Ukai had spoken of this Tanaka before. 

 "Watch it," Mr Ukai warned Tanaka, "Y/N has put in her own time to come and see us, so it's pretty embarrassing for her first impression of you to be of this shirtless hooligan. So again, shirt." 

 Tanaka walked - or rather jogged hastily - towards you and Mr Ukai while simultaneously pulling his shirt over his head. By the time he made it to you, his hand was out for you to shake, a roguish smirk was plastered onto his face, and his shirt was on. Backwards. You took his hand with both of your eyebrows up to show how you were unimpressed with him thus far. But you couldn't help a small smile from appearing after this kid's antics. 

 "Hello, Tanaka. I'm going to pretend you didn't call me sexy before even greeting me so we can start over," you said as you shook his hand. He nodded eagerly.

 "Smart, smart. Hi. Now that I've greeted you: you're really hot," he repeated in the same desperate tone.

 "Tanaka," Mr Ukai cautioned him again.

 "Okay, would you also like me to pretend that your shirt isn't on backwards?" you pointed at the collar. Tanaka's eyes widened. A pink blush settled on his cheeks. 

 "Wha - aha ha," he tugged at his collar, "Yes please." He muttered in a serious tone. 

 "Okay," you scrunched your nose as you said this, squinting your eyes. You and Mr Ukai watched as Tanaka shuffled back to Nishinoya with his head hung. He started sobbing into his shoulder as Nishinoya stroked his shaved head. You liked Tanaka.

 "No, you're not allowed to date any of them," Mr Ukai randomly blurted.

 "I - wha - aha ha," you involuntarily blushed, "I never," Mr Ukai cut you off.

 "I know. But Tanaka has a way," he cocked his head to the side.

 "What?! Why Tanaka?!" you looked at Mr Ukai. The blushing was not helping your case.

 "Okay, boys, let's see those sets!" Mr Ukai completely ignored you, walking forwards and leaving you behind with Kiyoko. You looked over at her and smiled.

 "Hi Kiyoko," you said. She gave you a small smile.

 "He's never going to stop bothering you, you know," she offered you a heads up.

 "Thanks for the warning. Heh," you scratched the back of your neck, turning your attention to the boys on the court. That Kageyama boy was setting the ball to each of the boys in turn. It was Tanaka's turn. He hit the ball expertly. He turned to you and Kiyoko. 

 "YOU SEE THAT, LADIES?! YEAH!" Tanaka ran up to Nishinoya and high fived him far too enthusiastically. This Tanaka guy was sure something.         

Haikyuu Imagines: Karasuno EditionWhere stories live. Discover now