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Louis' days were filled with anxiety about what was about to happen, a guilty conscience for what he was putting Harry through, and abstinence that he didn't want to acknowledge. He felt like shit in every way possible.

He had told Liam and Niall about Modest latest plan and they couldn't believe it at first. When they realized that it wasn't a joke, they got really upset. Liam reacted with anger while Niall cried.

Before they knew it the day for Louis's first stunt date with Briana had arrived. He and Harry had flown to L.A. Louis spent the morning crying and Harry felt helpless and guilty. Louis only agreed to this because of him. He had called Mr. Magee earlier and begged him not to go through with it, without success. This was happening and there was nothing they could do about it.

Louis kissed his husband and headed out to the waiting car that took him to a nightclub called Argyle. Louis went straight for the bar as soon as he came inside and ordered tequila. There was no way in hell that he could do this sober.

A half-hour later a girl approached him and introduced herself as Briana.  Louis bought her a drink, as well as her company. He realized that he needed more than alcohol to get through this night and texted his contact in L.A. Harry wouldn't be happy about it but he decided to deal with that later. An hour later he was snorting coke in the bathroom.

As soon as it kicked in he felt like he was on top of the world. He could do this! He could pretend to flirt with a girl and make it believable. He had fake-dated Eleanor for years after all. He left the bathroom and found Briana on the dance floor. The rest of the night was a haze. His bodyguard must have brought him to the hotel safely because he woke up the next morning in his hotel room with a killer headache and a disappointed husband.
"You were high last night." Harry stated.

"Get off my fucking back Haz. Yes. I needed it to get through the night." Louis huffed.

Harry didn't answer. He just got out of bed and went to get him some painkillers.

Two days later he had to repeat a night out with Briana and he was high as a kite. Harry didn't say anything about it but he could see by the look in his eyes that he was sad and disappointed. He needed support and called Liam and asked him to come to L.A. Liam took the next flight out of England.

Two days after that Louis brought Liam to another night out in a club with Briana. He still got high as fuck but having Liam by his side made him more relaxed.

Liam came with him and Briana to a Snoop Dogg album release party two days after that and Louis continued his partying mixing drugs and alcohol.

Harry couldn't help it. He tortured himself by looking at the pictures that flooded the Internet of Louis and Briana. They sure looked cozy even if he could see how high Louis was on most of them. It was absolutely heartbreaking to see and he shed many bitter tears. How were they supposed to get through this?

Louis continued to party with Briana every other night throughout May. At the beginning of June, he took her to visit Eli, the chimp from their Steal my girl music video, and the day after he went to dinner with her family.

Then their tour started up again. Harry was relieved. Touring hopefully meant no more stunts but most importantly, no more drugs.

When Louis informed him that Briana was coming to their concert in Vienna with her family Harry lost it. He started to throw things around them in their dressing room and Louis just stared at him in surprise at first. He then ran up to Harry and tried to hug him but Harry pushed him away.
"Don't do that baby. Come here." Louis said softly.

Harry sighed but stopped throwing things around and let Louis wrap his arms around him.
"I fucking hate this!" Harry shouted upset.

"Me too. Hey, I wrote you a song." Louis answered.

"Like a song can fix this." Harry huffed.

"It's a good song!" Louis argued.

"I'm sure it is Boo. Okay, wanna play it for me?" Harry asked softly.

"Yeah, come on. Let's track down a piano." Louis smiled and took Harry's hand and pulled him towards the door.

They found one and sat down on the piano stool.
"I've been thinking a lot lately about what it meant to me when I met you." Louis explained before he began to play the piano. Harry listened to his soft voice as he started to sing.

Make a little conversation
So long I've been waiting
To let go of myself and feel alive

So many nights I thought it over
Told myself I kind of liked her
But there was something missing in her eyes

I was stumbling, looking in the dark (ohho)
With an empty heart
But you say you feel the same
Could we ever be enough?
Baby we could be enough

And it's alright
Calling out for somebody to hold tonight
When you're lost, I'll find the way
I'll be your light
You'll never feel like you're alone
I'll make this feel like home

So hot that I couldn't take it
Want to wake up and see your face
And remember how good it was being here last night

Still high with a little feeling
I see the smile as it starts to creep in
It was there, I saw it in your eyes

I was stumbling, looking in the dark (ohho)
With an empty heart
But you say you feel the same
Could we ever be enough?
Baby we could be enough

And it's alright
Calling out for somebody to hold tonight
When you're lost, I'll find the way
I'll be your light
You'll never feel like you're alone

I'll make this feel like home
I'll make this feel like home

Baby we could be enough

It's alright
Calling out for somebody to hold tonight
When you're lost, I'll find the way
I'll be your light
You'll never feel like you're alone

I'll make this feel like home

Harry kissed him as soon as the song was done.
"Thank you." He whispered against his lips.

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