As I walked even further into the store, I felt even weirder. I have never done anything like this with Brian. The only things we did together sexually were hand and blow jobs, nothing more. Also, I felt really awkward holding these things that I was not so used to holding onto.

"Hello, sir. Need help in finding anything?" A man in a red and green sweater approached me. He must be one of the workers here.

"Umm... Do you have... um..." I couldn't get the words out. I felt pretty much embarrassed to say what I wanted to get to another person. I felt as if they knew what my weird-ass fantasy was and probably thought that I was weird.

"Sir, there is nothing to be ashamed of." He put a hand on my shoulder. "Welcome to 'Paradise Kingdom', where all magical things happen."

He said that a little too dramatically, but not going to lie, that actually made me a bit more relaxed.

"Thanks, um," I looked at his name tag, "Freddie."
"Yep, that's right. That's me."
"I just needed to find a Santa- a sexy Santa outfit for a man."
"I think we might just have what you need. Follow me."

I was led further back into the store. I couldn't stop imagining Brian in the outfit I was about to put him into. He would look so tasty, even tastier than the cookies he fed me earlier.

"What size do you want to get?" Freddie asked me. Now, this is the problem. Brian is so skinny that sometimes the stores won't have the size of his clothing. "Do you guys have an extra small? And also, is there a garter?" Freddie searched the piles of costumes, looking for the size that I asked for. "We have an extra small right here. And also, garters are in almost every costume in here."

"Thank you very much." I said. "No problem. Glad that I could help you." He waved and winked at me, flashing out a toothy-smile. I walked to the cashier and got my things checked out, ready to set out for the next store I needed to get to.

The thought of Brian in that Santa outfit, my God, did it warm me up a lot more despite the weather. I couldn't wait for Christmas day to come so I could get him in this outfit. What things would I do to this cute poodle-baby of mine.

I went into a bakery, buying some cookies and milk. That good old usual thing to make Santa come over to you right away. (I should stop.)

I walked home, happy with what I got in my hands. I couldn't wait for that day to come. But this time, I needed to be patient, and wait for that day, or else I might be in the naughty list.

*Next week*

Red and green painted the interior of our house. Brian worked hard on all of the decorations in the house. Now, he is on a ladder, putting a star on the top of our really tall tree.

"Everything okay, Brian?" I asked. I actually just didn't want to feel like I did nothing. Brian did almost everything for us this time. (More like most of the time.) He did all the decors, the dinner that we will have in a few hours, and the chocolate chip cookies that he said still weren't perfect, but still would do.

"Yep." Was all he answered as he managed to put the star on perfectly. He climbed down the ladder and put a hand on my shoulder. We watched the Christmas tree that had just been decorated.

"You wait here." He ran off to turn on the lights on the tree and turned off all of the lights in the house, making the glow up in the dark.

It made me feel like I was back to being like a child, watching my mom test out the lights on the tree after it was decorated. I could just stare at it in amaze and think that time had never gone by.

"How do you like it?" Brian asked, kissing the top of my head. I was so happy, but not that kind of exciting one. The kind where you feel like you could cry just thinking about it.

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