Chapter 2: The Unknown Pilot of... Earth??

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(This image above is a VF-31, the fighter Mathias flies, however, it is not an armored variant, but it gives a you a very good visual of what it looks like, so you can avoid confusion.)

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!

Gotta question for ya: Are the chapters too long? Wattpad said my first chapter was 30 minutes long.    Please say so by commenting/leaving a review!  I love to hear feedback about how to make this more enjoyable for the reader!

...maybe they are a little bit long...


Wanna hear some fun facts?

1: The word "Aigaion" comes from the game "Ace Combat 6", and is a powerful carrier, armed to the teeth with cruise missiles and fighters. 2: Macross Garrison was actually supposed to be named Macross Atlas, but I decided against it to avoid confusion.


Meanwhile, at the Castle of Lions (3rd Person perspective)

Pidge groaned as she opened her eyes to her dark, cluster filled room. She sat up from her bed, hearing a small creek below her. She gave out a large yawn while stretching her hands over her head. As she finished her yawn, she dropped both hands back down to her side and threw off the covers. She slowly got out of bed and made it towards her bathroom to shower, brush her teeth and get herself dressed. Today was just a normal day for her, provided that the Galra did not attack or do anything too rash, so she had nothing major planned for the day. Putting on her usual sweater, she walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and ready for the day. She had to navigate around her messy, yet organized bedroom, but she eventually made it out of her room. She opened the door and walked out into the hallway, the door closing behind her as she left. She scratched the back of her head, her autumn hair rustling simultaneously.

'What was on the agenda for today?' She thought to herself as she placed a hand on her chin after finishing scratching her head. She needed to still mess with a lot of tech in the lab. She also wanted to mess around with Green a little to boost her performance and maybe extend the duration of the cloaking systems. Her thoughts were interrupted when her stomach then started to growl like a lion. She laughed a little, guess the first thing she was going to do was get some food in her stomach before anything!

"I wonder if Hunk made anything special for..." now that she thought about it, what time was it? She didn't look at it when she left her room. Was it time for breakfast, lunch, or was she late for both of them? There was only one way to find out, she told herself as she made her way into the kitchen. She definitely smelled something good was being prepared, and it didn't smell like lunch. She walked into the kitchen, rubbing her eye, but almost bumping into the wall.

"Morning, Pidge!" A familiar voice rang in her ears. She looked to see Hunk was finishing something and cleaning himself up, "I made some breakfast over there if you would like some!" He gave her his signature genuine smile, which always seems to brighten her mood. He was such a sweet cinnamon roll at times.

"Alright, sounds good," She said softly as she grabbed a plate, and some of his breakfast he made. He made a sort of pancake like cuisine with alien ingredients. She had them before and they were really good. She grabbed a couple of the pancakes as well as some other miscellaneous things, then sat at the table. She wanted to get to work as soon as possible, so she scarfed down everything.

"No need to rush, Pidge!" Hunk gave a small, hefty laugh as he watched her devour the entire dish full of food. In a matter of minutes, there was nothing left but crumbs. He smiled and took the dish from the table, "looks like someone was starving."

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