"Adrian..?" She whispered.

My eyes widened. Was I hallucinating? I reached out to her, holding my hand out. She did the same, and our hands touched slightly.

When they did, everything became brighter. Colors popped out more and a bright light shone in front of me. I swear I could feel her touch, her presence.

When the light died down, she was gone. And so were the colors. They were all dull again. My hand was closed and I could feel something inside of it.

I slowly opened my hand and there was a small yellow flower inside.



Kylie's POV

I was sitting on the ground, huddled up into a small ball, crying. I didn't want him to hate me, I wanted him to love me liked I loved him...

But what Gigi told me broke my heart...

I heard a voice. It said my name. My head whipped up and I stood up fast, holding out the sharp object in front of me to protect me. I looked around and saw nothing, but when I looked directly at the tree, I saw Adrian...

"Adrian..?" I whispered. I felt tears form in my eyes. How was he here? How could he see me?! I was dreaming.

He held out his arm, putting his hand out to touch me. I reached out and did the same.

When our hands touched, a bright light appeared and a strong breeze did too.

Everything was so bright, I squeezed my eyes shut and sheilded myself away from it.

And then, it faded away.

I slowly opened my eyes, and I saw darkness again. Nothing but emptiness. And I couldn't move or talk again.


Adrian's POV

I put the yellow flower in my pocket carefully and grabbed my broom.

I couldn't handle being here anymore after seeing what I just saw.

I'm going mental.

I flew back to the quidditch pitch and put my broom away, then ran back up to the castle.

I went straight to my dorm, not even bothering to tell anyone I was back.

Or I guess I didn't have to because they were in my dorm. Yay.

When they saw me, their eyes widened.

"Adrian where have you been?!" They all exclaimed, and rushed over to me and gave me hugs.

I stepped back from them. "What? What are you talking about?"

"What do you mean what are we talking about?! You were gone for two days!" Marcus yelled.

My eyes widened. "WHAT?! I was only gone for like two hours!" I yelled.

Their eyes widened and they looked extremely worried.

"Adrian maybe you need to go to the hospital wing..." Cait said.

I shook my head. "No, no I don't, I was not gone for 2 damn days, I wasn't gone for...two...days..."



Caitlin's POV

Adrian just fainted in front of us.

What the hell was up with him?! Everyone has been looking for him for the past two days since he dissapeared on Sunday. And when he comes back, he tells us he's only been gone for 2 hours. And now he's out cold.

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