21 ⦻ Time To Become a REAL NOODLE (Proxy)

Start from the beginning

I sigh and sit back up, glancing to the TV with a dreary look. "What do we do now, Toby?"

"Well you have a b-bit of time to eat something and wake yourself up before w-we head to the training room. Usually we'd be o-o-off on a mission, but today we're working-ing with you, so we're all gonna b-be stuck in there."

Well, at least the most exciting thing I had to look forward to today was getting my own official weapon.

After a few I get up and head to the kitchen to eat something so I could at least have energy for today.

I look through the pantry for a bit not finding anything worth pulling besides the same cereal I've been having for the past week.

"How come you guys don't get anything like toaster waffles?" I ask Hoodie who was still in the kitchen.

"I don't know, I mean no one ever asks for it so we don't bother buying any if no one likes waffles," Hoodie responded.

"What? How do you guys not like waffles!?"

"W-Waffles? What are those?" I heard the voice of Toby ask curiously, as he was now walking into the kitchen.

"TOBY?? You never heard of waffles before?" I exclaim in shock.

"Yeah, what are they?"

"God Tobias you uncultured.... nevermind, I'll show you what waffles are okay?"

Toby nodded and smiled as he looked at me. Hoodie shook his head and muttered, "Imagine if you show Toby waffles and he becomes madly obsessed with them."

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen," Both me and Toby respond at the same time.

"Alright fine, whatever you guys say. Just hurry up in here because Masky wants us to start your training in 10," Hoodie said, walking out of the kitchen with some cereal and some toast.

I shrug my shoulders and grab the same cereal Hoodie got and got some for me and Toby.

Then the two of us head to the table where Kate was still on the laptop and we both have a contest to see who could eat our cereal the fastest.

Kate looked up at us because we were making a lot of noise as well as a big mess and she mumbled under her breath "You guys are pigs..."

Well, Toby ended up winning the cereal contest but I blamed it on the fact that I wasnt even that hungry, I was more nervous about my first day in training.

After we cleaned up our mess, me, Toby, and Kate all went togetehr to the training room where Hoodie and Masky should be waiting.


"Hey Masku, Hoofie," I ask when they told me to take a seat on the bench in the training room. "When do I get my own weapon?"

"When you give back that sword you stole," Masky huffed, nodding to the Zweihander I still had with me.

"I didn't steal it, I borrowed it."

I handed the weapon over to Masky and he went to put it back on the shelf I snagged it from.

While Masky did that, SlenderMan appeared in the room and walked over to me.

"Good, you're here. I honestly thought you were going to sleep in and miss your first sesson," He said to me, while I stood from the bench.

"I would've if it weren't for your personal alarm clock servant," I replied, referring to Masky. "Anyways, can I get my own weapon now?"

"You may, but before the excitement of that, the proxies are going to teach you basics in combat."

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