The day did came, but it was still dark in her innocent mind.


She gazes at the picture with longing as her lips tremble, she bit it hard to stop herself from crying, she can't cry, if she cried, the monster will hear her and he doesn't want to angry the monster.

It's been so long, she hasn't seen her family, so long she hasn't talked to them, but what would she do, she can't call and they don't want to.

Suddenly she heard the front door open, she quickly hid the picture in her backpack and scrambled to her feet, she ran towards the foyer and stopped, when she saw him.

He roughly took his jacket off, and stalked towards her with a sneer.

"Why are you standing here you bitch?!!! " he roughly pulls her with her hair, she whimpers and tried to scratch his hand, but she was just a small girl, she doesn't stand a chance against him. "Aww..did I hurt the little slut" he sneered at her, she widens her eyes in fear, but couldn't say anything, she doesn't want to make him more angry, he doesn't like when she speaks without permission. "Go get some warm food for me" he ordered and pushed her away.

She quickly ran towards the kitchen, she rubbed her head, where he pulled her hair and wiped her tears. She put some mashed potatoes with sausages in a glass plate.

She stood on her tip toes to place the plate in the microwave and set the timer. After two minutes she took the hot plate and went outside at the dining area.

She placed the food on the table, he took a bite. Suddenly he spit the food on the floor and grabs her by her hair while dragging her towards kitchen.

"I TOLD YOU TO BRING ME HOT FOOD, ARE YOU AN IDIOT, YOU CAN'T DO A SIMPLE THING CORRECTLY" he shouted and Shehnaaz started to cry loudly.

"please I'm... I'm.. Sorry, sir.. I'm. Sorry... I. Don't know... I.. "a heartbreaking wail came from her mouth as she tried to explain, but the monster wasn't ready to listen, he wanted to punish.

He pulls her and an evilness spreads on his face, "I'm gonna teach you a lesson, after that you won't be doing any mistakes"

He puts a pan full of water on the cooking stove and left it to boil. When the water starts to boil, he grabs her forearm and push her hands into the boiling water.

The wail, the cry,the shout that comes from that little girls mouth could have sent shivers down to cruelest person, but he looks at her, and a satisfactory smile spread on his.

Later she was laying on the old futon of her room, her burned hand falling lifeless on the sofa, she was staring out of the window, it's closed, he closed it, when one day he found her looking out of it, breathing in the warm sun and laughing at the chirping birds, he shut it down with a some wooden slabs.

She has smeared some ointment on her burns, her small hand will recover.

The burns of her hands will disappear, but the burns of her little innocent soul is a different story.


"Hey Freak!!" She was walking towards her class, when the voice called.


She's in grade-five, and she's really mean.

She ignored her voice and kept on walking, when someone pulled her and pushed her towards the lockers, her head and nose hit the locker, and blood started flowing through her nose.

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