✧ twenty-three ✧

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I went back and changed how many years shes been a cam girl to cover any plot holes. Its a year and a half thnx babies and I hope you're all enjoying this story ❤❤💕💕

tbh im at the point where like i write so much about someone and i start to feel like i know them then i realize i dont and my feelings are hurt. i wish i knew corpse he seems like such a sweet guy im sad & listening to Robbery by juice wrld

The next morning, Liv and Corpse woke up feeling refreshed and content. They woke up tangled in each other's arms with the blankets halfway off of them and yet they kept each other warm. Corpse slept the best he had in a while. After they awoke and ordered room service, they both decided to leave because Liv felt comfortable enough to go back to her loft. Liv couldn't deny the butterflies she continuously felt when she kissed Corpse and when he was around her. She absolutely could not wait to see him again, whenever that was. Liv was scared to admit how big her feelings were getting for Corpse. Scared to admit it both to him and to herself.

When Liv exited the elevator in her apartment complex, she saw someone saw someone standing at her door. She was about to freak out and jump back in the elevator until she saw it the the buildings maintenance. They told her about replacing her doorknob with a five digit system to unlock. So after helping her set it, she thanked them a bunch and watched as they entered the elevator. Liv didn't know what she expected when she entered her apartment. She expected items strewn everywhere and furniture broken.

What Liv didn't expect was everything in perfect shape. Not an item out of place, not a piece of streaming equipment stolen, nothing even touched it seemed like. After building herself up to this moment, she was oddly disappointed. She didn't know what would've been freakier, a messy and obviously broken-into apartment or a tidy and untouched broken-into apartment. It was almost eerie.

With a gulp, Liv opened her special room's door. Just when she got her hopes up, something was touched. Her mask wasn't where she last left it hanging over the side of her monitor. No, it was laying across the keyboard. Her devil horns were laying directly above it. Liv felt her hands begin to shake, frightened that someone had touched her things yet not done anything to them. She didn't know what kind of message this was sending, and she was scared to find out.

Other than that, nothing was touched or stolen.

After calming down and texting Schlatt that she was finally home with a new door knob, she sat down at her streaming set up in her room. After so many events happening recently, she took the time to try and wrap her head around it. She put on some makeup when she thought she should probably film a video. Being a former or maybe continuous sex worker, she wanted educate her audience about it more. She sent out a tweet.

Liv Fox @olivesgarden                 30m

Boutta film a Q & A for yt. Feel free to send in any questions about my recent "announcement"!! 😈😈

Then she waited a while before turning on her camera to begin the video. Liv answered numerous questions about her job, hoping to educate her audience on not only the reason but the validity of sex work. Surprisingly, people were mostly respectful in their questions and Liv was grateful for that.

"@olivesfavoriteolive asked 'why don't you just use Only Fans?'" Liv hummed to herself and looked back up to the camera. Honestly, she had thought about but she preferred to keep her anonymity. "To be honest, I debated it for a while but it wasn't as popular as it is today. And also, I wanted to keep my face anonymous so I figured a website with good advertising was the better option. Not to mention I really wanted to have my whole own website that I could design myself, y'know?"

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