Chapter 10: Welcome to Russia

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"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection."

- Sigmund Freud



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Charles's POV

When we returned last night, it looked as if a natural disaster had swept across part of the base. The kids were out of control. Hank was on the chandelier. Angel was flying across the room. Alex and Sean were hitting Darwin—who had turned to rock—with a chair. Raven was dancing on the sofa. Elizabeth Grace was the only one that I didn't feel the desire to shout at as she was across the room taking notes—essentially hiding from the chaos.

Shaw is supposed to be meeting with Russian military leadership today. Erik, Moira, and I, along with several other CIA operatives, are going to intercept him. I had thought to bring the rest of the team along, but after last night, I quickly rethought that decision.

Elizabeth Grace had asked to come along, but I wasn't so sure about that. I'm still a bit nervous about bringing her out into the field. She can handle herself, but she's still seven. I tend to forget this sometimes.

"Do I get to come with?" she asked.

"Not this time."

"But dad-"

"I need someone with some sense to remain here."

That didn't exactly sell, but it wasn't as if she had a choice anyway. Needless to say, she attempted to change my mind the entire evening to no avail. It wasn't until Raven convinced her to engage and be social with our newfound teammates that Elizabeth Grace's argument finally ceased.

Now, we're in a truck moving towards where Shaw is meeting the Russians. Everyone seems a little on edge back here. Of course, Moira opening the window to give us news doesn't help.

"We've got a problem."


"I'm so sorry. This wasn't on the map."

We've reached some form of checkpoint. As I'm sure you've figured out, this doesn't bode well for us. I'm hopeful that I will be able to get us out of this.

"No matter what happens, act normally. I'll take care of this, alright? Now, listen to me. Stay calm and in your place. No matter if the door opens or not. Stay still and do NOT fire." Surely enough, as I say this, the door opens. "Whoa. Whoa. Easy. Easy. Take it easy, chaps."

Soon, the doors shut and we're off again. Everyone has relaxed once again. Erik stares at me with an inquisitive look.

"I convinced their minds that they were unable to see us. Elizabeth Grace tends to use that trick when she gets nervous."

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