Shawn noded.

"I always knew that guy would be the major villain of your love story." Brian said dramatising the situation and Shawn gave him a glare. "Alright now tell me what we have to do, should we beat his ass and threaten him to keep himself away from our boy's senorita."

"No.." Shawn said a little louder and few heads turned around to see him but then got back to what they were doing. "I mean we don't have to do anything..the only one who have to do something about it, is Camila, let her choose what she wants for herself."

"What do you mean, she has to choose what?"

"She has to choose between Ethan or Me." Shawn declared.

"What the hell Shawn." Brian didn't like what he was saying.

"What?" He shrugged. "I gave her a choice, if she'd really love me, she would choose me and if she doesn't then it would be better to know the reality."

"I can't believe Shawn you are letting her slip out of your hands again, after doing everything to get her..Have you lost your thinking ability." Brian scolded him.

"I know what I'm doing." He defended himself.

"You don't know Shawn, jealousy have made you blind. Just suppose if you would be in her place and she would ask you to choose between me and her, what would be your reaction."

"It's different and I are just friends and Ethan wanted her to date him." Shawn moved his hand in his hair.

"He wanted and I'm sure he didn't have any bad intention behind it but once he'll know that Camila loves you, he'd just remain her are asking Camila to choose between her childhood friend and her boyfriend...why you gotta put her in this difficult situation Shawn. What if she'd choose him over you, you've dug a pit for yourself man..I know you'll still be begging her to give you another chance."

It was harsh but it was reality. Brian spilled the truth and now Shawn was realising that he was absolutely right. If he couldn't get over her in 6 years without knowing anything about her then how he'll get over her after knowing everything about her and falling in love with her deeper than ever.

"I don't know man I'm fucked up." Shawn groaned putting both of his hands in his hair and pulling them. His face was red and tears whelmed up in his eyes. He was feeling helpless in that moment.

"It's ok.. We'll find a way." Brian put his hand on his shoulder calming him down. "Where's Camila?"

"I don't know..I didn't call her and neither did she."

"First we have to know, what she's upto and then we'll make things right."


Camila walked in their store and old memories started flashing in her mind. Memory of her sitting on the counter. She walked further and an image of her putting things on the rack created in her head. The store was now bigger and she saw workers who were hired to work there.

"Excuse me! Where can I find Ethan." She asked one of the boys putting boxes in their place.

"Ethan sir is standing there." He pointed out where Camila could see him standing with his back towards them.

"Ok thanks." She said and walked towards him.

"Ethan!" She called.

He turned to see her but there was no surprise look on his face, he knew she would be here at anytime.

"Why you came here Mila?"

Hearing her name she became hopeful that he'll be alright.

"I came here to talk to you but what are you doing here in our store." She asked.

"I often come here to look after and check everything is alright." He shrugged.

"But your father told me that you're not feeling well today and you've an important business here... What is it?" She asked suspiciously.

"Nothing..I should go now"

"You can't go without talking to me know that." She declared.

"Forget about everything I said Mila, I was just stupid and overwhelmed." He tried to brush it off.

"You are not stupid said what you felt and I'm happy that you were honest with me."

"Do you really think like that." He said softly.

"Yeah I do..I really do I adore you and our friendship."

"And what your boyfriend thinks about it." He said clenching his jaw.

"He has to know that you are important to me and I know he'll behave with you next time..what can I say he loves me I know." She smiled.

"I came here coz I was missing you Mila..I was missing the time when I used to buy grocery here, when you used to sit on the counter all day and I kept bugging you to enjoy your life..but you just used to make weird faces at me." He laughed with wet eyes. Camila looked at him with admiration. Tears came quickly in her eyes.

"Ethan you know you are a great human being but I don't deserve you...You know that I fell in love with Shawn, you know about my feelings towards him, you deserve better than me..a girl who really loves you and I know you'll find your person one day."

"I know, I said forget everything, it isn't your stop feeling guilty for something you isn't responsible for." After knowing her for a whole life he knew her heart very well. He knew how pure and honest she is.

"Okay then coffee from me." She offered.

"Why not." He smirked.

There was an instant he felt like he should take the opportunity and tell Camila his feelings. He knew she loved Shawn but he thought maybe he had a chance. The moment he knew that it was too late, he regreted everything he said. He knew very well that he and Camila weren't meant to be and he accepted this reality. He just wanted to be normal with everything now.


Thanks Snouri and everyone who commented💓
Keep voting guys it means a lot to me and give a read and vote to my new story "Water and Desert"

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