9. Chapter

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We talk a lot and now we are laying on this picknick blanket and watching the stars.
I am kinda cold and start getting goosebumps.
„Are you cold?", Jeff asks me.
„No, Jeff, I am not" I say 'cause I don't want to be that stereotype of a girl who wants his jacket. I mean it's my own fault I should have brought one with me.
Jeff gets up and says „Wait a minute." before he disappears in the bushes.
We turned some music one and right now I hear „Thinking out loud" by Ed Sheeran.
It feels like my heart is beating to the rhythm of the song.
Something rattles in the bush. I turn around and see Jeff with a huge blanket.
„I forgot to bring it at the beginning" he says in a gentle voice and smiles.
Jeff again lays next to me „Come closer"
I snuggle onto him and we are looking at a sky full of stars.
„Okay, let's see if we can spot any shootingstars" I say.
After even a minute I see one flying by really fast: „OMG! Jeff, did you see it?!" I say like a kid.
He laughs a little „yes, I saw it. Wish for something."
I close my eyes and make my wish.
„Was it the first one you saw?" he asks.
„Yes, I really don't know why but I never really looked out for any. Could you tell it was the first one?" I ask and start laugbecaus I obviously overreacted.
„Yes, kinda." he giggles. It's pretty dark but I can see his eyes sparkle and his big smile.
He stands up and reaches for my hand. I grab it and Jeff puts the blanket around us.
„Photograph" by Ed Sheeran is playing and here we are standing. My head's resting on his chest. His head on top of mine. My hands around his waist and his around my shoulders. Slowly moving side to side with the rhythm. I couldn't imagine a prettier date. The butterflies in my stomach have already gone crazy.
I once read „Love is like a drug" and now I really know what they mean. I never want this to end. I could stand here forever, listen to music and be snuggled up to him like this.
„I really hope you like this date"
„Jeff, I love it", I say and look him in the eyes.
They are sparkeling. We keep looking into each other's eyes for a few more seconds.
Jeff moves closer to my face. I can literally feel his breath on my lips.
His smile gets bigger and without saying anything he kisses me.
My heart beats faster and faster every second this kiss lasts.
My lips are tingling.
He pulls my body closer while kissing me.
After a long, smooth but still passionate kiss he pulls back. „Are you tired?"
„A little" I say.
„Let's drive you back."
We start picking everything up and going back to his car.
As we sit inside I suddenly feel how exhausted I really am. He rests his hand on my thigh while driving and we keep listening to music. None of us is saying something. My head is in the clouds and I-
I feel warm hands on me and as I open my eyes I see Jeff.
As I look around I realize we are in the elevator of my apartment complex.
„Wha- What is happening?" I ask clearly confused.
„You fell asleep. And now we are home." he smiles.
Omg I didn't! F**k!
I can't keep my eyes open but I feel Jeffs steps as he is carrying me.
„Where is your key?"
I grab into my bag with closed eyes and open the door.
He lays me down in my bed and takes my shoes off.
Jeff then sitts besides me. He kisses my forehead and says „Good night" in a soft, gentle voice.
As he gets up I grad his hand, „can you stay?"
„Are you sure?"
I nood and pull him to lay next to me. He takes off his shoes and lays down.
The last thing I know is that he puts a blanket over us and hold me in his arms...✨

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