In no time we were all loaded into the car and on our way to the courthouse. 

Suga: I just got here, tell me when you all arrive

Tsukki: we just started driving, we'll be there in a few minutes 

Daichi: Tadashi, how are you? 

Me: I've had to answer this question so much today, I'm fine, just nervous

Daichi: Sorry, we're just worried

Me: I know, and I'm glad you're all helping

Hinata: I just got here! Suga! Where are you? 

The car pulled into the parking lot and we quickly found a spot. Tsukki took my hand as we walked towards the building, making sure to stay as close to me as possible. Akiteru stayed on my right side, and Tsukishima-san made sure to walk in front of us. I quickly realized they were making sure I was in the middle of the group. 

We found the small group of Karasuno volleyball players quickly, Hinata and Kageyama were yelling about something while Suga desperately tried to calm them down. When Suga saw us walking up he smacked Hinata and Kageyama in the back of the head really hard to gain their attention. 

"Yama! Tsukishima!" Suga called out. 

"Suga-san!" I greeted back. 

"Daichi said he would be here soon, same with Asahi. Noya and Tanaka were getting a ride from Tanaka's sister, so they should be here any minute, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita are all getting a ride together," Suga listed off, scrolling through his phone to read the messages. "Coach Ukai and Taketa-sensei will also be here," 

"Coach and Taketa-sensei are coming too?" I asked, looking to the group. 

"Did you really think they would miss it? Coach was adamant about being here, and Taketa-sensei would never leave one of his students like that," Suga raised an eyebrow at me. 

"You're right, I guess I just didn't really think about them coming," I responded honestly. 

"Yama!" Ennoshita yelled as he and the 2 other second years walked up. 

We only had to wait 10 minutes before everyone arrived. They all talked idly, making sure to bring me into the conversation whenever possible to get my mind off the trial. I held Tsukki's hand tightly, constantly moving my leg and shifting my weight as my anxiety came back tenfold. 

From across the hall we watched as people started to filter into the main courtroom. Some guards came out of a side door, someone in handcuffs between them. I watched as her eyes locked onto me, her smirk condescending and evil. I found that I couldn't take my eyes off her as she passed, but Tsukki wrapped his arm around my shoulders to give me comfort and show my mom that I was protected. When she disappeared into the courtroom, I noticed how my team was glaring at the door. 

"Guys, we should go in," I told the group, their eyes all scanning me like they were trying to assess my mental state. We all filed into the courtroom, I sat between Tsukki and Suga, right in the middle of the whole group. 

My mother was placed on the stand, her handcuffs being strapped around the bar in the table. She stared into my eyes as the officers worked around her, her smile never diminishing or changing. Her eyes sparkled with amusement that made my stomach churn. 

Tsukki scooted closer to me and I linked my arm with his. I pryed my eyes away from my mom, looking down at my lap instead. My father couldn't sit with us as he had to testify against her. Coach Ukai was also testifying with the bruises he saw me have, and how my mother attacked one of the other students. Tsukki and I were told we didn't have to sit at the stand as we were still minors. (Guys, I know little about court scenarios, so if this isn't right I'm sorry, just pretend it is for the sake of the story!) 

The judge took his seat and the trial began. Lawyers produced evidence, including my injuries in which I couldn't look. I heard my teammates suck in a breath at the pictures of my bruises, reminding me that they weren't there when I got them taken. 

Witnesses came to the stands, including my dad and Coach Ukai, to tell the judge what they saw. By the end of it, the Judge was glaring at my mom. Soon it was time for my mom to defend herself. 

"I was doing my civic duty to help my daughter-" 

"Your son," The Judge cut in. 

"My daughter realizes how insane her boy phase is! She was born a girl, and I had every intention of raising one," My mother continued, obviously making the Judge angry. I felt Suga and Tsukki tens up next to me, their fists clenched in their laps, and I guessed the others were doing the same thing. I simply sighed and looked down at my lap. 

"That's a stupid argument, but just out of curiosity, how do you explain you attacking a young man who is not your child, nor is he trans?" The Judge asked, pointing to Daichi. 

"He was defending her... condition. While I admit that I lost my temper, I don't believe that I am in the wrong," My mother said, puffing her chest out. The Judge stared at her for a long time before letting out a quick chuckle. 

"Ma'am, assaulting a kid definitely puts you in the wrong. I think there's enough evidence here to make a verdict," The Judge sighed, looking around the courtroom. Their eyes landed on me a moment longer, and I watched as their face softened slightly. 

"The defendant is guilty on all charges and is charged with 10 years in prison. She loses her custody over Tadashi, making Yamaguchi the main parental figure," He addressed the room. I felt the breath catch in my throat as I listened to him. My hands started shaking against Tsukki as my vision became blurry due to tears. My chest felt tight and my heart beat faster with each passing second. A sob escaped my throat as I was able to breathe again, my free hand coming up to cup my mouth as everything set in. 

My team jumped up in excitement, and I was slowly pulling into a standing position by Tsukki. He had a bright smile on his face, one that I've never seen before. He looked so happy, a feeling that I found in myself as well. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face in his shoulder. My legs felt weak, but Tsukki made sure to keep me upright. 

"It's done, you're free," Tsukki whispered happily in my ear. 

"She's gone," I whispered back, my voice hiccuping halfway through. I pulled away from Tsukki, turning to my friends who were all smiling at me. 

"Are you ok, Yama?" Suga asked gently, putting a hand on my shoulder. Tears were streaming down my face rapidly, but a smile broke out across my features. Laughter bubbled up inside me, easing the tightness in my chest slightly. I gave Suga a nod, relaxing some of my other friends too. 

"She's gone," I said again, but this time louder. My hands cupped the lower half of my face as I sighed, letting everything sink in. I was no longer her child. My dad and I were on our own, free from her. I wouldn't be abused anymore. 

Everyone embraced me, sharing their congratulations and patting me on the back. I noticed the Judge smile at me as they were escorted out of the room. 

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