"Angry girl" Hulk calls.

"142" I call out and she smiles at me.

Hulk tries to hit her but she dodges and lifts his leg up, making him lose balance. She kicks him in the side and Hulk falls down, laughing.

"Hey, whats up?" I asked and she gave me a hug.

"Nothing much. What's going on? What are you..." she asks but stops when she sees Thor awkwardly trying to look casual. She goes over Hulk and walks towards the exit "You're so thick-headed that you can't tell when someone's hiding all the way across the universe and wants to be left alone"

"We need to talk" Thor says, walking forward a bit.

"No, you wanna talk to me" Valkyrie says and turns around to look at Thor, before turning to leave.

"I need her to stay" Thor said, turning to Hulk.

"Stay?" Hulk asked "Block" Hulk throws the head of his bed, that rhymes, at the exit "Stay. Please"

"Please" Thor says.

"Just hear him out. He's my friend and he wants to protect his people" I say, walking forward a bit.

"Alright" she says a little cocky "Here's the deal. I'll listen to you... Till this is empty" she says as she walks to a shelf and takes a massive bottle of beer, or alcohol. She starts drinking.

"Asgard is in danger and people are dying. We need to get back there. I need your help. Wow" Thor says and she coughs.

"Finished. Bye" she says, dropped the glass, which shattered, and walked towards the exit.

"Odin is dead" Thor said and she stopped "Hela, the Goddess of Death, has invaded Asgard"

"If Hela's back, then Asgard's already lost"

"I'm going to stop her" Thor said.

"Alone?" she asked.

"Nope. I'm putting together a team. It's me, Y/N, you and the big guy" Thor says, pointing to each of us.

"No. No team. Only Hulk" Hulk said.

"It's me, Y/N and you" Thor said.

"I think its only you 2" Valkyrie said, pointing to me and Thor.

"Wait. Just listen. The Valkyrie are legend. Elite warriors of Asgard sworn to defend the throne" Thor says, walking in front of her.

"I'm not getting dragged into another one of Odin's family squabbles"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Thor asked.

"Your sister" I say and Valkyrie looks at me "I know the past, present and the future" she gives me a nod of understanding before continuing.

"Her power comes from Asgard, same as yours. When it grew beyond Odin's control she massacred everyone in the palace and tried to seize the throne. When she tried to escape her banishment he sent the Valkyrie in to fight her back. I only survived because... Look, I already faced her once back when I believed in the throne and it cost me everything. That's what's wrong with Asgard. The throne, the secrets, the whole golden sham" she said and started walking forward.

"I agree" Thor said and pulled her back. She pushed his hand away and put a dagger to his throat.

"Don't get familiar" she said, shaking her head

"I agree" Thor repeated, pushing the dagger down "That's why I turned down the throne" Thor continued as Valkyrie put another dagger to his throat with her other hand "But this isn't about the crown. This is about the people. They're dying and they're you're people, too" Thor pushed the other dagger down.

"Forget it" Valkyrie said, pushing Thor backwards "I have"

"Okay" Thor said.

"Okay" Valkyrie said, as well.

"Good. Great" Thor said.

"Great" Valkyrie said. I rolled my eyes and looked at Hulk.

"Thank you" Thor said.

"For what?" Valkyrie asked.

"For this" Thor said and showed the shocker device controller. I smirked.

"Thor, you little sneak. Next thing you know, you'll be Loki. Speaking of, where is Loki?" I asked, but they ignored me. Rude.

"Didn't see that, did you?" Thor asked and smiled as Valkyrie sighed. He took of the device and put it in is hand "You know, go ahead. Stay here and enslave people for that lunatic. Keep drinking, keep hiding. But me and Y/N..." Thor paused and asked for a ball that Hulk had in his hands "We choose to run towards our problems and not away from them" Thor threw the ball at the window "Because that's what..." Thor started but stopped when the ball hit him in the face. I laughed and Thor got up and looked at me before looking at Valkyrie "Because that's what heroes do. Come on" Thor said, gesturing for me to come.

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