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Adrien walked into the school to see Damian staring up the the outdoor hallways. Adrien had had a very eventful morning stealing from his father's safe. Marinette and Alya walked up as well and looked up so Adrien did too. The sight was horrifying, Jon was being willingly dragged to the library by a girl.

"Who is she?" Damian, Adrien, and Marinette all asked at the same time. Alya laughed at the protective behavior and ranted about a new girl named Lila who was friends with famous people and was saved by her new bestie Chat Noir.

This girl was not going to get away with this.

The three walked up to the library to spy and Plagg teased Adrien from his pocket about loosing his "boyfriend" on the way. They sat at a table across from Lila and Jon who were talking about Ladybug. Jon looked uninterested. Adrien pulled out his father's book to use as cover and Tikki looked up and saw the cover and gasped. She needed to get that book.

Marinette tried texting Jon to get him away from the liar but wen his phone went off, Lila saw that he had a picture of Chat Noir as his screen saver.

"You know, Chat has personally saved me before. We're practically attached at the hip," Lila said and Jon's eyes lit up.

Damian rolled his eyes and looked at Jon in disappointment. He had trained him better than to believe such simple lies.

"We can't talk here though, we could go to the park," Lila offered and Jon's phone went off with a text from his Aunt Sabine telling him to come home after school to help her with something. If there was one thing that Jon had learned about his aunt, it's to never make her mad.

"Maybe later, my aunt needs me for something," Jon said going to get up.

"Text me when we can meet!" Lila yelled as Jon left the table. Adrien grabbed his bag and ran after Jon leaving the book on the table. Damian had let too so Marinette grabbed the book and put it in her bag for Tikki.


Jon eventually did meet up with Lila in the park and Adrien was watching.

"Chat and I are very close because we have something in common, I'm the descendant of one of the rulers of Argo one of the lost cities of Krypton. My mother and I came here on a vacation and ended up loving it so we never went back and I became a superhero like my great grandmother, Volpina," Lila said and Jon's eyes started to narrow. "Just between you and me, Chat doesn't even make the top ten on the heroes list."

Adrien was pissed and if Superboy were there, he would be pissed too at this liar's words about his home planet. Adrien transformed and jumped down in front of two.

"Oh, hey Lila, I saw your interview on the Ladyblog great job by the way. I especially liked the part where you said that we are besties and how you claimed to be a kryptonian which isn't possible since the planet died over a dozen years ago. You know, people always tell me to never trust a girl with sausage hair and I never thought I would say this, but they were right!" Chat said hands on his hips. Lila got up and ran away crying. Jon looked over at Chat with hurt in his eyes.

"You didn't have to be so hard on her, I get that she lied but I wanted to give her a chance to explain herself and to make it right," Jon said crossing his arms and walking away from Chat who looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry," Chat whispered.


Lila stomped angrily around the town. "My chances with Jon, ruined! I hate you Chat Noir!" Lila screamed before a butterfly flew into her necklace.

Lila created a meteor that fell from the sky that she was going to stop all on her own. Chat looked up from across town and ran meeting up with Robin halfway there.

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