Origins Part 1

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"Alright boys, Jon you'll be staying with the Dupain-Chengs your mother's second cousins and Damian you'll be staying with the Lahiffes to look at Paris' treaty of superheroes and investigate a power surge. This will be a year-long mission and you will be posing as exchange students Jon, you'll be with your cousin and Damian you'll be with your age group," Bruce informed two teenage boys one with glasses practically vibrating with excitement smiling at the other who was picking invisible dirt out from his nails bored before his father even started talking.

"We're ready Mr. Wayne," Jon said excitedly.

"Walk through the zeta with your bags and remember to keep a low profile. Be careful kids," Clark said hugging Jon before they walked through.


"Damian, just imagine all the new friends we're going to make this year in school!" Jon said dragging his reluctant friend behind him through the airport that they popped up in.

"You mean all the friends that you're going to make, I'm sticking to the mission," Damian said before looking around to see his friend was gone and talking the three people who must have been his host family. Jon's cousin and Jon seemed really similar except she was pretty in Damian's eyes, wait what, no not pretty not at all, no way.

"Damian this is Marinette, my Aunt Sabine and Uncle Tom, guys this is Damian my best friend," Jon said looking at Damian with a smirk that he knew all too well. One that meant: I saw that.


Damian was settled with his host family that had two sons Nino and Chris, Nino was more chill than any of Jon's family members could have possibly been. Nino showed Damian to school that morning and told Damian the way to his classroom and walked to his own settling the back. Damian watched from a distance and saw Jon and Marinette sit down behind a newly moved Nino. A blonde girl walked into the room and Damian had a feeling that he wasn't going to want to watch that so he walked to his own class.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, that's my seat," Chloe said eyeing Marinette and Jon. Jon knew his cousin wasn't going to defend herself, it's just how she was so they were going to end up moving.

"But Chloe this has always been my seat," Marinette said whining a little. She looked at Jon helpless.

They were both kicked out of their seats, Jon sat next to a red-head in the back and Marinette sat next to a girl named Alya.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing, well that girl is pure evil and we are the good people we can't let her get away with it," Alya said and then class started.

The bell rang and two kids were fighting in front of Jon and he was going to say something but the teacher Miss. Bustier shut it down real quick by sending Ivan to the office.

Jon, Marinette, and Alya walked to the library and heard a loud crash and saw a giant stone monster.

"I'm out of here," Alya said snapping Jon out of his trance. "Where there's a supervillain there's a superhero not that far behind," Alya said running out of the room.

"She's not wrong that's how it works in America," Jon offered before walking her home. Jon sat in his room and heard questionable noises from Marinette's room and saw her get enveloped by a ladybug costume and she went through her trap door to the balcony. She was going to try and play hero and that was something that Jon was not going to miss.

Jon got dressed in his uniform and flew over the stadium calling Robin out over the coms. "There are people out here trying to play hero Robin, come down to the stadium like right now," Jon said before looking down and seeing Damian was already there.

They sat back and watched. The Jon part of Superboy loved how confident Chat Noir was but hated how nervous his cousin looked.

"Come on super red bug the world is watching you!" Alya yelled from down below.

"Ten bucks says she kicks his ass," Jon said holding out his hand which Damian smacked away immediately. His cousin swung her yoyo and pulled Chat Noir from Stoneheart.

"Animal cruelty how shameful!" she said smirking. She then had to explain to her partner about how their powers worked after he wasted his on a soccer net. They made a plan and then a purple butterfly, yes a purple fucking butterfly flew away.

"Any ideas Jon?" Damian asked staring at the girl who was being confronted by Alya.

"Ladybug, call me Ladybug," she said before swinging her yoyo and flying away.

"Leave them alone, they beat the villain, less work for us while we're in Paris," Jon offered standing up.

"You're just saying that cause you have a thing for blondes Jon, don't treat me like I'm stupid," Damian said getting up too and grappling away.

"I DO NOT!" Jon yelled like two minutes later blushing bright red and flustered.


Jon and the Dupain-Chengs sat down for dinner before Sabine gasped at something on the T.V. people were being turned into stone monsters. Marinette ran up to her room and renounced her miraculous.

Across Paris, Adrien was shocked to hear that he couldn't do anything without the mystery girl named Ladybug. She had made a mistake, hell Adrien did too but that didn't mean that she didn't have what it took to be a hero.

Jon walked up the stairs to his cousin's room and sat down next to her pulling her into a hug.


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