At least someone was looking after him. He remembered something that they were learning earlier in class about true love.

"Oh. God. No," Damian said to himself. Ladybug had gotten up and was now running after Chat who was running after Jon. Damian took a second to laugh at the irony, normally Jon wouldn't run from a blonde boy and now he was running from not only a blonde but the blonde that he loved.

Robin got up and threw small throwing knives at Dark Cupid who turned around and sicked Ladybug on him.

"I hate you!" she yelled and Damian started running knowing that she would chase him. They ended up in front of a fountain.

Ladybug went to kick Damian but he grabbed her leg and threw her to the ground. "Trust me, I'm not looking forward to this either," Damian said grabbing her wrists and pulling her up. He held one arm and his other hand cupped her face before kissing her.

He pulled away fast and she looked around confused. "What happened?" Ladybug asked wide eyed.

"We'll talk later, right now we have to stop Dark Cupid. Position... right you're not Superboy. You take right I'll go in from above," Damian said rolling his eyes.

"Whatever bird boy," Ladybug said laughing. Damian pounced on Dark Cupid and held him down as they destroyed the pendant. Ladybug held out her fist for a fist bump. "Oh right, you're not Chat," she said winking.


During all of that, Chat and Jon were still on a wild chase. Chat had Jon pinned with his foot against a wall.

"Let me go you mangy stray!" Jon yelled. Chat thought for a moment on how to fix Jon. True love's kiss, but Robin would kill him cause... "I hate you!" Jon yelled. Chat grabbed Jon by the waist and neck and kissed him. Half a second later, the ladybugs fixed everything and Jon opened his eyes and saw Chat and felt Chat and... oh Rao.

Jon pushed Chat back and looked up at him.

"Sorry, I kind of had to do that to fix you, I'm just gonna go," Chat said before jumping up onto a roof and running away. Jon was still standing there five minutes later.

"God damn blondes," Jon muttered and walked back to Marinette's house.


"So, did you do it Mari?" Jon asked. Marinette sat in her chair with her head pounding against her desk. "I guess not then," Jon said laughing.

"Jon, dear, you have a valentine in the mail!" Sabine called from the entrance to Marinette's room.

"Thanks Aunt Sabine," Jon said taking the black paper. Jon started for the balcony.

"Aren't you going to let me read it too?" Marinette asked and Tikki was by her side laughing at his embarrassment.

"Never," Jon said flying up to the overhang. He opened the card and there was light green writing on the paper. "Your hair as dark as night, your pretty sapphire eyes. I wonder who you are beneath that strong disguise, every day we see each other and I'm glad that you'll be mine. Together our love will be so true, of course, I'll be your Valentine." Jon was freaking out. "It isn't signed."

"It's a sweet poem though," Marinette said behind Jon making him jump a little. "How is it that you have super hearing but you can always get scared when anyone sneaks up behind you?" Marinette asked before a small meow was heard.

A black cat walked across the balcony. "You don't think..." Marinette started but Jon was too far gone to care now.

"He loves me," Jon said staring off into space.

"You really are a blonde lover," Marinette said making Jon chase after her.


"Do you think he got your letter?" Plagg asked. There were footsteps behind him and Robin was standing there.

"The card that you didn't sign? Jon thinks that he got a card from Chat Noir but it wasn't signed so he can't be sure," Robin said smirking at Adrien.

"Well, you made out with Ladybug," Adrien accused.

"To save her, I know she doesn't like me so I can take the rejection. You on the other hand better not screw this up," Robin said before disappearing.

"You really forgot to sign the card?" Plagg asked.

"Well, now I know that even without signing it, he loves me. Plus it was a long day," Adrien said before falling back on his bed. "He loves me."


Miraculous Rewritten Season 1Where stories live. Discover now