Chapter 13.

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I feel someone shaking my shoulder and its like my brain is pulled back to reality.

"Ariel, Love, are you ok?" Blaze asks.

I can't form words, so I just nod and continue to stare at the sign. It is beautiful, like one of those old style theatre signs with the individual lightbulbs framing the words.

I didn't even realise that Blaze had gotten out of the car until my door is opened and his hand is in frount of me.

"Come on Love, we need to head in and get settled." He says as I come out of my haze and take his hand.

We enter the building where Blaze does all the talking. I look around, there is so much to look at with all the posters and pictures of parts of the show. The stage is set up in sections and we are ushered to a booth that is over by the left hand side of the stage.

I'm looking at the stages when Blaze nudges me.
"Did you hear what he said Love, did you want Chicken or Beef?"

I completely missed the whole discussion. I ask if he can please explain it to me and then offer that I would like the chicken. The lights dim and the music starts as drinks are places on our table.


We both finish our meals and I thank the waiter who comes to take our plates away. 

"Would you like some drinks, the next half starts in 5 minutes." the waiter asks.  I nod and order a moscato while Blaze orders a beer.

"So, is this place as good as where you usually would go on dates too?" Blaze asks me.

"I've only been on one date and it was with David Cheung and we had a picnic on the lawn at the Courthouse gardens." I have no idea why I just said all that. I cover my mouth and turn away from Blaze. I feel so embarrassed.

"Ariel, did I say something wrong?" He moves to reach up and cradles my chin.

I look at him and find that I could just stare at his eyes all day. His face is just perfect, for a man who spends a lot of time outdoors, riding his bike and getting into the occasional fight, still has the most perfect features. His chin is so chiseled that I wonder what it would look like in the shower with water dripping down it. I think start to wonder what he would look like in the shower, what other tattoos does he have on his body.

I realise that Blaze is still staring at me, awaiting me to answer him.
"No, no, nothing, I was just, I really like your eyes." I blurt out some many random words that I am surprised that he is not looking at me like I'm a crazy person.

"Thank you my love, I quite like them myself." He chuckles. The lights dim and the next part of the show begins.

I'm looking up at the stage and I feel Blaze moving his chair closer to mine. He places his hand on top of my hand and we intertwine our fingers.

I know I should be paying attention to the show, but all I can focus on is Blazes hand touching mine. I trace my eyes up his fingers to the tattoo on his hand. I've never really paid much attention to it but as I look over it I realise that it is a rose hidden in thorns.

"Tell me about this tattoo?" I ask as I glide my finger over it. I look up from his hand to his face and see that his eyes have changed, well his pupils have changed to where he looks like he is hungry.

"It a rose in a bed of thorns, it reminds me of my mum. Her name was Rose."  He replies as he watches my fingers trace the vines.

"Why the vines?" I question. I am so engrossed in his hand that I don't see him move his other hand below the table.

"Ariel, can I touch you?" Blaze asks.
I wonder what he wants to touch, I don't have tattoos like he does.I jump when I feel his leg rub up against mine.

In normal situations I would move away and act like the person was a weirdo or lash out, hitting and screaming but its like my body is betraying me as it seems to have a mind of its own because instead of doing any of those things my leg instantly reacts and pushes up against him.  His leg lowers and his knee pushes up under mine and I allow my leg to slip into his over his knee and into his lap.

I feel my knee press up against him and his hand begins to stroke my knee. I tense a little and focus on the feeling of his fingers on my knee. I can feel a tingling sensation shoot up my leg and circle in my stomach. It's like I have a pleasant unsettlement circling and the more that his fingers lightly trace on my knee, the more I feel it.

I lookup at him "Ariel, watch the show Love." He says. His voice is deep and I feel myself obeying what he tells me to do.

I look back towards the stage and try to concentrate on the actors as they act out the Queen of Hearts scene. I watch the actress who plays Alice, her movements and words are true to the story.

I find myself getting engrossed in the scene when I then feel Blazes fingers moving up from my knee, gliding with light touches over the inside of my thigh. I let out a gasp and pull my bottom lip in between my teeth. My hand that is holding Blazes on top of the table tightens and I hear him chuckle.

I turn my head and look at him. He growls and tips his head back towards the show. I follow his gaze and look back towards the stage.

His hand moved up my thigh, completely under my dress now. He stops just at the edge of my panty line and I jump when his thumb brushes over my core.

My eyes close and I whisper out "Blaze".
"Call me Edward." He rasps out.
"Edward, what, what are you doing to me?" I say.
"Touching you my Love." He replies.

His thumb rubs the top of my mound as I feel his fingers tracing the edge of my panties. The touching makes my legs pull together and my grip on his hand tightens.

"Edward, I, I feel." Is all I get out before his fingers slip into my panties and touches my skin. The feeling is amazing and I feel my breathing picking up as I await to see what more he could possibly do.

His fingers move towards my centre and one brushes over my slit. My mouth drops open and I go to move but Blazes other hand holds my hand firm. His finger dips around my mound and I nearly jump out of the chair.

"Settle my Love." Blaze says.
I feel that feeling again and it intensifies as his finger drops down. It feels like he is entering it inside of me and I literally squeeze my legs tight, letting out a moan that I am sure could be heard at the table next to us.

Blaze removes his finger but I grab his hand and stop him from pulling away.
"Don't stop Edward." I say as I look at him.
I want that feeling, I want to feel it again. His mouth drops open and his tongue licks his bottom lip.
"Yes my Love." Is all he says as he plunges his fingers back into me.

I have no idea what is happening on the stage but it seems to be one of the chase scenes as the noises are loud and the lighting is darker as Edwards fingers move inside of me, pushing me further on.

I move on my chair, trying to climb onto Edwards lap when his arm scoops around me and he moves me, holding me tight to him. He keeps moving his fingers and my head drops back onto his shoulder.

"Let it go Ariel." Blaze whispers into my ear. I have no idea what he means by letting go but its like my body does and I feel the most overbearing feeling of enjoyment that I shout out.

It sends shudders through my body. Blaze continues to move as I whimper at the feeling. It has my heart rate beating and all I can do is ride the wave.

Everything gets wet, I feel the wetness on my thighs and I panic. Oh my god, I've wet myself is all I can think as I jump off Blazes lap and dash to the toilets.

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