Chapter 5

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We pull into the hotel and stop at the entrance. A young man approaches the car and offers to take our bags.

"Ariel, where did you book us?" Mia asks.
"This is the one that Grae recommended. It's near all the places that we need to go and there is a mini supermarket on the ground floor. Also the restaurants near here have a triple tick rating with the QLD Food Health and Safety board." I replied.

Mia giggles as we exit the car and head into the hotel.
"Welcome to the Belargio." Says the receptionist. "How may I help you?"

"Booking for Anderson." I reply.
The receptionist taps away on her computer and confirms all our details. I let her know that I need 4 keys and she organises for our luggage to be taken up to our room and my car to be parked in the car park bellow.

We head to the elevator and make our way up to our room. I'd booked a family room which had a view of the botanical gardens and when we get to the 20th floor and open our door, the room does not disappoint.

We step into an open planned kitchen/dinning/sunken lounge that all face a large set of glass doors that slide up to one wall so that the lounge connects to the deck. The room has 3 doors on the right which must be the bedrooms and the bathroom where to the left is a large sliding door which must lead to the master bedroom. I know for a fact that the master has its own private view is the gardens along with a bathtub that connects to the en-suite. I had googled it as I wanted to make sure that Mia and Ryker had somewhere a little private for them.

Mia is gushing over the room as I check the spare rooms and pick mine by placing my bag on the bed.

"Remind me to thank Grae for the recommendation." She says as we head out to the deck.

I was eager to see the view as the Christmas lights were starting to be set up around town and apparently the Botanical Gardens had a wonderful display. We took in the sights and then my phone rang.

"Hello Ariel, can you come downstairs. I think I'm at the wrong place. Is it called 'The Belargio'?" It's Ryker.

"Yes, that is correct." I reply.

"Holy crap Ariel, this place is a bit swanky." Ryker says. I can hear the that the Valet must had approached them as he says "I'm sorry Sirs, but this is a private hotel. I need to ask you to please move on."

"Tell him that it is a breach of hotel policy to discriminate against a person based on their appearances." I say.

Ryker laughs and I hear him tell the Valet that they are in fact guests and asks where they can park their bikes.

The Valet seems a little flustered so I offer to come down and sort it out. I tell Mia what has happened and excuse myself so that I can duck downstairs.

As I emerge from the elevator, the receptionist is near me and says "Oh please excuse the disturbance, we tend to attract a bit of attention sometimes is there anything that I can do for you?."

I look at her and say "you could start by telling me why your valet is hassling my friends? They are my guests, I am here to inquire as to why they are being interrogated when they should be able to park their bikes and relax."

The receptionist goes white and dashes out the door. There is an animated discussion between her and the valet and I see Ryker is smirking as Blaze let's out a full blown belly laugh. 

I make my way out and say "Hello boys, have they told you yet where to park?"

The valet profusely apologizes and points on the map where the bikes can park. I give Ryker and Blaze a key card as I go back into the foyer and make my way to the elevator.

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