Chapter 15

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The next day Jacob is discharged and I decide that the best place for him to be is within the clubhouse walls.

We pull up at the clubhouse and I turn towards Jacob. "I know that this is not ideal after what happened but it is the best that I can think of at the moment." I say, hoping that it sounded more convincing then it did in my head.

Jacob just stares at the clubhouse and nods.
"I know Ariel and I agree, what a better place to be, it is just that this all seems to be happening so fast."

I smile at Jacob, trying to show him that I am happy about this, but deep down, I remember Xaviers words and how he now is on my side. I know that is must be hard for him to think that there could be someone in the club who could be double crossing him.

Roo and Kitty had explained to me when I was younger about how the clubhouse is like a large family and that even know they are all not blood related, I wondered what that meant, but after spending time at the club, I began to understand.

I always pondered about the way they all acted around each other and the way they supported each other through thick and thin. I remember the day Mickey Tanner, Xaviers dad passed away. He wasn't even my dad but I felt like a piece of me had died that day as well.

Mia explained to me at the time that I was feeling hurt and that it was ok to have those feelings sometimes, especially when we loose someone special to us.

Remembering where we are, we both move and make our way out of the car, heading into the clubhouse. I walk behind Jacob, mulling over my thoughts about what has transpired in the last 24hours.

As I reach the top step, I hear a roar of motorcycles and I turn to see who it is. All I hear from Jacob is "Get Down Ariel" as a swarm of loud noises come flying out way.

Jacob grabs me and throws us both over the bannister and into the bushes. He lays over me and tells me to stay down.

I hear shouting and footsteps, there must be people pouring out of the clubhouse because all I can hear are boots pounding on the stairs and people shouting.

I smell smoke and I look over Jacobs shoulder to see a blaze just above us.

"Jacob, we need to move!" I shout as he turns his head and see what I am looking at.

We both move and scramble out of the bushes, heading to the carpark. I look back and realise that the frount of the clubhouse is on fire.

Men are running around everywhere, hose are being pulled out and water is flying through the air. I can hear in the background the sirens from the fire trucks that must be on their way.

I hear Jacob yell and I turn to see him being grabbed by another man that I don't recognise. I scream out and try to grab Jacob, scratching the man who is trying to pull him away.

"You Bitch!" The man yells as he lets go of Jacob, throwing him to the ground and goes to swing at me. I duck just as his hand passes over my head, but not low enough as he grabs my ponytail and pulls me to him.

It feels like he is twisting my hair in his hand and he drags me towards him, which makes me stumble to the ground.

"Get up Bitch, you messed with the wrong guy." He snarls at me as he pulls on my hair, dragging me up from my knees.

"Let her fucking go!" I hear someone say behind me and I gasp as I turn to see Blaze running over with a cricket bat in his hand.

He swings at the mans arm and there is a loud crunch as the bat makes contact with this forearm. The man lets out a scream and instantly lets go of my hair. I stumble forward and make my way to Jacob. I look him over and can only see that his stitches may have broken.

I turn to see that Blaze drops the bat and moves forward, his fist clenched and swinging his right arm right at the guys face.

He continues to pummel the man and I move towards Blaze, trying to get his attention to try and get him to stop hitting the man. As I look at the guy, he is laying on the ground and could possibly be unconscious due to the lack of movement I see him do.

"Blaze, stop." I say.
Blaze does not even look up at me as he continues to hit the man.
"BLAZE!" I scream, shaking him as well.

He stops and looks towards me, his eyes are dark but as he realises what is going on, he drops the man and stands up.

He reaches his arms out and pulls me to him, holding me to his chest. His breathing is rushed and I gingerly reach up and stroke his face.

"Blaze, you need to calm down." I whisper.
Blaze just moves his head into my hand and nuzzles himself down into it. I leave my hand there, letting him use it to calm him down.

Jacob gets to his feet as Slater approaches to give him a hand.

"Well this is a shit fight." Slater says as he swings his arm under Jacobs shoulder to help him hobble towards the club house. 

We all look up at the frount of it and see how bad the damage is. Luckily most of the fire was put out and the only main damage is the stairs and the frount windows.

We all stand in the carpark and I hear Xavier talking with SGT Bryson. That man comes off as not a nice person, he is rude and always seems to ignore me or any female who has to deal with him.

Watching Xavier and him talking now, I can see that Xaviers body language is getting tighter and I wonder what they are talking about.

Blaze notices too and we move closer so that we can hear what is going on.

"Well Xavier, are you sure that it's not just someone that you have pissed off? You tend to have done that a lot lately?" Bryson says. Xavier tenses and grinds his teeth together.

"Well I've told you all I know, so if your an now run along and do you job and work out who just fire bombed my clubhouse, that would be great." He replies.

"Well we are a bit busy at the moment, but we will set out some feelers and see what we can turn up." Bryson gives his signature crooked smile and then turns and walks away from Xavier.

"This is fucked." Xavier says as he runs his hands through his hair.

"We will work this out." I say. I have no idea where that came from, but it was the first thing that popped into my head.

"Well there is not much else we can do here now, you should go home Ariel. I'll keep an eye on Jacob for you." Xavier replies.

I nod but then I remember that I was parked right at the frount of the clubhouse. As I look towards my car, I realise that it is not going anywhere.

After all that has happened, the sight of my car is what brings me to tears. I just stare at the burnt out shell, smoke still coming from it and the tears just start to flood.

I don't even understand why, its just a car.  Blaze places his hand around my head and pulls me into him.

"It's ok Love." Blaze says as he strokes his fingers through my hair.

I just continue to cry as Blazes guides me away from my car and towards the side park of the clubhouse. I see his car and he rummages in his pocket for his keys.

"Let's get you home Love." Blaze responds as he moves me to the passenger side of the car. He opens the door and I follow his lead by getting into the seat. He reaches over and does up my seatbelt, then shuts the door.

I lean back in the seat, trying to suppress my tears and focusing on the windscreen as Blaze starts up the car and we pull out of the carpark.

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