Chapter 9

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I wake up still in the same position with my head snuggled into Blazes side while he is half sitting up and snoring like a chainsaw. We are still fully dressed but he must had pulled up a blanket. I smile as I look out the big glass doors to see that it is such a wonderful day. I remember how last night we just laid here and talked while the light show was on in the park.

I look up at Blaze and he starts to stir.
"It's rude to stare love." He says while not even opening his eyes.
"You must have x ray vision." I reply.
"I wish, then I wouldn't have to try and sweet talk my way into your top." He replies as he goes to pull the frount of my top out.
"Hay!" I call as I swat his hand away. He just chuckles as he goes to stretch.
"Are you running this morning?" He asks.
"Of course." I reply as I get up and grab my gear.
"Ok, I'll come with you." He says as he slides off the bed and heads over to his bag. I slip
Back through the door to my room.


We head out of the hotel and over to the gardens. I take him through the park and show him all the displays.

We reach the maze and I let Blaze lead. He laughs as the way I am acting must amuse him but takes the lead and in no time we make the middle.

"This is probably my most favourite part." I say as Blaze takes a seat in the Mad Hatters chair. I laugh and pull out my phone to take a photo.

"Alice in Wonderland has always been my favourite story." I say to him as I take up Alices seat and spread my arms over the table. All the cups and saucers are bolted down to the table but I pretend to pass him a cup.

Blaze plays along and we both start laughing.
"I always wished I was Alice, taking a chance and following my Instincts that a white rabbit would take me on an adventure." I'm twirling the cupcake stand and just staring off, thinking about the part in the book where Alice makes her mind up about living her life, her way.

"I liked the cat, he was wise and crazy." Blaze replies as he gets up and walks over towards the Cheshire Cat.

I laugh as I could imagine Blaze being the cat. I walk over and move my hands like a film director, sizing up his face in conjunction with the Cheshire Cat.

I hear a noise coming from the entrance and out pops the man that I saw yesterday.

"Well well, if it isn't Alice again. Now, this can't be a coincidence. It must be fate that we meet again." Richard says.

Blaze moves from around the Cheshire Cat and comes into Richard's view.

"Hello Richard, I see that we meet again." I say as I go to shake his hand.

Richards tenses a little when he sees Blaze. I wonder why because Blaze is not in his usual attire. In actual fact he looks so much different in just a plain singlet and basketball shorts. I can see that he must not wear shorts much as his legs are really fair.

"This is my friend Blaze. I wanted to show him the displays in the gardens." I add.

Blaze offers his hand out to shake Richards. Richard accepts and the men both shake hands but when I look at their faces, I can't decide fi they are trying to send a telepathic message or maybe they are both holding in a fart. I've made that face before when I've been so gassy that my face scrunches up.

"Well nice to see you again Ariel, I will see you next time." Richard lets go of Blazes hand and heads back out the entrance of the middle.

Blaze watches him go and then turns to me. "How did you meet him?"

"I met him yesterday, here actually. He was running in the gardens as well." I reply.

"You need to still be careful Ariel." Blaze says.

He has a look on his face that I can not quite place and I wonder if he is referring to what happened last year.

I feel myself begin to panic. My face starts to feel hot and I can feel my breathing pick up. I can't seem to get enough air and I feel myself loosing my stepping as I tumble to the ground.

"Ariel, Ariel. What is going on." I can hear Blaze but I feel like he is ages away. I am crouched down now and I feel like I need to pull myself into a ball but as I try, I feel myself being pulled into a hard wall.

Blaze rubs my back and just whispers words into my ear. I can't even make out what he is saying but the more he says them, the more I feel my breathing slow down to where I can feel myself taking in oxygen.

My head feels like it is clearing and I start to understand what he is saying.

"Your OK, you are safe, nothing is going to happen to you." He keeps repeating this as I start to lift my head and take in what is happening.

Blaze has pulled me up into his lap and is holding me into his chest while he runs his fingers through my hair.  I look up and him and he smiles "Hay, there you are."

I don't know what he does and how he does it but I've never liked anyone touching me but with Blaze, I just feel that he is a safe place.

"I didn't think Edward, I didn't think. I should have made sure. What if he worked for the Bandits, what if he was sent to take me again?" I whisper.

"Hey, Hey. I doubt that that fella would have anything to do with the Bandits. Why would you think that?" Blaze replies.

"I just, I just thought that was what you meant?" I replied. Did I get it wrong? I thought that was what he meant.

I go to stand up and Blaze rises at the same time with me. "Lets get back love, I reckon Ryker & Mia will be looking for us." Blaze says as he leads me out of the middle of the maze.

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