Chapter 22

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I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing from the kitchen. Opening my eyes, I turn to see that Blaze is already out of bed.

I get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen to see that Blaze has picked up my phone.

"Gears, what's up?" He says as he answers my phone. His back is to me and I take note of the tattoos that are sprawled across it.  On his right shoulder blade is the Wanderers logo and on his left shoulder and heading down to his lower back is a fire breathing dragon. The scales of the dragon are a mix of emerald green and blue which look like they move as his muscles move while he is working at the kitchen island.

"Yeah, I'll ask her when she wakes up." he turns and sees me standing there. He must have noticed that I am staring at him as he smirks and puts the phone on speaker while he hands it to me.

I look at the Caller ID and see it is Jacob.
"Hello Jacob, how are you and the kids today?" I ask as I take the phone from Blaze.

"Oh I hope I didn't wake you, we are good, I just want to take the kids to see a Doctor. Jack keeps scratching his arms and Bella was very panicky about having a shower last night." Jacob says.

"Oh well, teenage girls are always a bit funny around their parents, especially when it comes to their body." I reply and I hear Jacob gasp.

"It's OK, I know the perfect doctor to take the kids too and he has a wonderful nurse who can talk with Bella. I'll give him a call and let you know where and when." I reply. Jacob says 'Thanks' and then he hangs up.

"Blaze, you need to be careful when you answer my phone, what if that was a client?" I say as I put my phone back in the charger.

"But it wasn't, it was Jacob, that is why I answered it. I was going to reject the call if it was anyone else." He replies as he turns back to what he was doing. 

I stare at the back of his head and feel myself getting a little stressed. I have no idea what is brining this one but I step up beside him to see what he is doing.

"Why would you do that, what if it was important? Of if it was my boss, I can't just reject a call. I have to be able to do my job." I reply as I move around to stand opposite him.

"Nothing is that important Love, you need to have a life." He replies as he puts his knife down and looks up at me.

"I have a life Blaze and my job is the most important part of my life." I say. I look back at him because I can't work out what he means.  "I don't understand why you would say that. If I don't have my job, I have nothing."

"What about Mia, Carrie, Ryker or even me?" His voice is raised and I can see that he is watching me for my response.

"Well, they are my friends, but my job is who I am. I worked hard to get to where I am and if I loose that, what else do I have?" I return. I don't understand what he is trying to say.

"Ariel, you can't just rely on working for the rest of your life, you need to live a little. All work and no play is a stupid idea Ariel, its no way to live." He says as he plates up the fruit that he has cut.

"I am not stupid." I growl which makes him stop what he is doing and look back at me.

"I didn't say you were stupid, I said it was a stupid idea." He replies and moves to my side of the bench.

I feel my breathing rise as my chest starts to constrict. It's a sign that I am beginning to stress as I just want to wrap myself up and hide.  I don't like being judged, I've been called stupid growing up all because I am different and I hate the fact that Blaze is judging me like those people.

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