Chapter 23

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I double checked my phone to make sure that I had sent Jacob the right address. It was one of those moments where I know exactly where Dr Baxters surgery is, I had been going there since for years but to have to send the address to someone, I had to google his surgery details.

As I look up, I see the ute from the Garage pulling into the small carpark and pull up next to me. I quickly stash my phone in my pocket and hop out of the car.

"Hi guys, how are you both?" I asked as Bella and Jack hopped down from the car. Bella had a look of concern on her face but Jack looked like he was about to head into the most fantastic place in the world.

"Oh I'm so happy to be here." Said Jack as he went to pull her sleeves up. I gasped when I saw the marks on his arms from where he had been scratching.

He pulled his sleeves back down and shyly moved towards Jacob who wrapped his arm around his shoulders. I had to mentally slap myself for the way I reacted. Mia had always said that I would horrible to play poker with but the older kids at the centre always say that they don't mind my reactions because they now that I am being genuine with them.

I let out a sign and turn to lead the way to the surgeries main doors. It was strange to enter via the frount doors because when ever I've ever come here, I have always entered through the back door. It leads to a large kitchen and I could always guarantee to see someone would be sitting there.

Memories of my mother came back to me, she worked with Doc Baxter for a few years before she got sick. She had known Doc from college and when we moved here and I started school, they ran into each other when my mum had to find a new doctor to sign off on me being able to attend a public school.

I feel someone tap my shoulder and I pull myself out of the memory and turn to see Bella standing next to me.

"I'm scared Ariel, can you please come with me?" Bella whispers.

"Of course." I replied. I put my hand out to open the doors, ushering everyone inside and following in behind.

The surgery waiting room was quiet, there was not a soul in the place and my first thought was that I had never seen this place empty.

Stepping further into the room, I hear shuffling and then Mae comes out of the sliding doors that lead to the examination rooms. Her eyes are red and I can tell straight away that she has been crying.

I rush over to her and ask "Mae, are you ok?"

She nods and heads to the reception desk to grab some tissues.

"Oh sorry Ariel, we just got some terrible news. Doc said he will be fine, he just needs a few minutes to wash his face etc." Mae says as she herself whips her face and blows her nose.

"Do you need anything, I can call Kitty or Mia." I say, I know they are better when it comes to the emotional side of things.

"Oh I will be ok love." She says as we hear the doors open and Doc Baxter comes into the waiting room.

I can tell straight away that he has been upset but as soon as he sees Jacob and the kids, his whole facial expression changed into his signature, warming smile.

Doc extended his hand and goes to shake Jacobs. "Well Jacob, I am so glad to see you and wow, look at you Bella, last time I saw you, you were running around my backyard in nothing but a nappy. You have grown into such a beautiful young woman." Doc praised her and then turns towards us.

"Ariel, I am glad to see you out and about. I believe that I need to have a little chat to you about the fact that you may have caught the eye of a certain biker we all know." He grins at me and I feel my cheeks heat up.

I just nod my head, feeling like a child, Doc Baxter and Roo are probably the closest I have ever had to a father and Doc seemed to always have this keen sixth sense on knowing everything. Mia puts it down to his job as the only doctor in town but I always felt that he seemed to just 'know us' and when something was going on.

Doc turns on his heel and notices Jack scratching his arms. "Oh Jack, what do we have here." He says as he kneels down in frount of him.

Jack is nervous but Jacob urges him to show his arms to Doc Baxter and I see the Doc murmuring as he turns his arms over and then looks up at Jacks face.

"I think we better step into the examination room and have a better look." He stands up and holds his arm up, showing them where to go.

Bella looks at me and asks to stay with me. I turn to Mae. "Do you think we could talk with Bella while the boys go into the examination room?" I say as Mae grabs the file she needs and hands it to Doc.

"That would be a perfect idea" turning to Jacob "if that is ok with you Jacob. If this is what I think it is, we may have to keep the kids a little bit apart."

Jacob nods and I say that I will be with her. They enter the room and the doors slide shut.

Mae hops up and says "Let's head to the kitchen and make a cuppa. Do you drink tea or coffee Bella?"

Bella shrugs and says "I've never had either." This puts a big smile on Maes face.

"Well my dear, come with me and we will set up a taste testing. I have quite some good teas and coffees for you to try." Mae replies as we follow her through the side door that leads into the kitchen.

The table is bare except for a large vase in the middle that had fresh flowers. My mum used to bring in new flowers everyday she came to work to set up in the waiting room and on this table. I even remember the day she brought that vase. She had been shocked that Doc did not have a single vase in the house. I giggle as how it took us a whole day to find 'the perfect vase' and I look up to see both Mae and Bella looking at me.

"Sorry, I just remembered something." I said as I took a seat at the table, watching Mae turn back to the counter and excitedly show Bella all the teas and coffees in a wooden box she had.

"What happened?" I blurted out. Both of them turn around with Bella giving me a look like I just said a swear word, while Mae sighs and moves towards the cupboard where the cups are.

"You remember Doc's daughter, my niece Amelia?" Mae says as she places the cups on the table. I can see that her hands are shaking a little but I continue to watch her as she lets out the breath she is holding.

I've never actually met Amelia, but I've heard many stories about her growing up here and how she lives in Sydney, working as a Doctor in the Royal Australian Navy.

"Well her husband has just died. It was sudden and unexpected, so it has shocked us a little bit." Mae has tears  as she picks up the kettle and places it next to the cups.

Bella moves to place a hand on Mae shoulder, rubbing her hand and saying how sorry she is to hear that. Mae smiles and I hear a faint 'Thank you' as she moves to hug Bella.

I am intrigued by how open Bella is with Mae and I sit back and take stock for a minute, did I just recognise an interaction, a moment of emotion that passed between the to woman. I smile to myself and wonder if maybe I am starting to understand the people around me.

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