Chapter 28

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After we both decide we should get ready, Blaze throws on his gear, kisses my forehead and makes his way out of the room.

I stand there for a moment, gently touching the spot on my head where he kissed me and thinking about what we had just done.

Mia was right about how your body can guide your mind in what to do in certain situations and I remember the first time Kitty has broached the idea of explaining sex to me.

My mum had always been open and honest but I guess the topic of the 'Birds and Bees' was not really on her list of important things for me to know.

Kitty had a pile of books and information she had printed from on-line as she began to try and explain it all too me. I remember that it was one of the most informative days I had ever had. Kitty broke it all down to the mechanicals of it all rather then the feelings and emotions.

I feel myself smiling as I recall that time. Kitty always made sure that she had all the information on hand for whatever I needed to know. She never focused on the theories unless they were relevant and always kept quizzing me to make sure that I understood what was going on. She always used to say that 'information is the key to being knowledgeable'.

There is a knock at the door that breaks me away from my thoughts and I move towards the door, opening it to see Carrie standing on the other side.

"Hi Ariel, are you coming down for Breakfast?" She quizzes. I realise the time but as I watch her, her eyes dart around me, taking in the room. I wonder what she is possibly looking for.

"What are you looking for Carrie?" I ask, watching how she registers that she has not been as sneaky in looking as she has hoped.

"Sorry Ariel, I was checking to make sure we were alone." She says as she looks back into the hallway and then motions as if asking to come inside.

I move so that she can come past me and hold out my arm, welcoming her in. She comes past me and motions for me to shut the door.

"Ok, I'm just going to come out and say it, are you and Blaze fucking?" She blurts out and I feel myself gasp as I hold my hands to my mouth, shocked that she would say that to me.

Carrie moves closer to me, putting her hands on my shoulders.
"I'm sorry Ariel, I didn't mean to blurt it out like that. I have so much going on inside my head and I just needed to get that part out."

I remove my hands and lower my head. "No Carrie, we have not slept together." I reply as I continue to look at the floor.

I have no idea why but I have this upset feeling in my stomach and in my head I have words running around that done make sense but I know make me feel that something was wrong with us not having sex.

Carrie rubs my shoulders and nods as if she is silently agreeing to something in her mind. She keeps saying 'Good, Good" as her eyes look past me again like she is reading something. I know that there is nothing in her line of vision, except for the door.

"What's wrong Carrie?" I ask. I may not be good at reading people but by the way she is acting, I can tell that something is not right.

Carried takes in a deep breath. She looks to be contemplating what to say and then she opens her mouth and says "Do you think that this has all been way to easy?"

I'm confused, what could she possibly mean. Carrie continues.

" I just can't shake the fact that with Jacob and the kids, this all seems to be to easy. Even with the attack on the club, no one has come forward and claimed responsibility. I just feel like there is something we are missing." She paces as she talks, running her fingers through her ponytail. I remember Mia telling me that it was a movement that Carrie did when she was stressed.

I think about her words, pulling my lips together as I go over the events that have transpired the last couple of weeks. I think back to Xaviers words about how there could possibly be a traitor in the club and I start to wonder about how what happened to David Cheung was still not sitting right with me, I just could not quite piece it together.

I start to piece it together, even thinking right back to the first encounter when Mia and Jae were kidnapped. Back then we thought it was to do with them wanting more territory but now I start to wonder if Carrie maybe on to something.

It's all a jumble in my head but as I try to lay it all out in a chronological order, I say " I think you might be right. We need to talk to the others."

My brain is buzzing as I grab up my stuff, pulling my hair back , checking for my phone and then slipping on my shoes. 

When I'm satisfied that I have everything,  we both exit the from Blazes room and make our way down the hallway to the clubhouse.

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