Chapter 33

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"Son of a Bitch!" Xavier yells as he slams on the brakes and I put my hands out to brace myself so that I don't go flying into the dashboard.

I has asked Blaze originally to help me pick up some of the garden equipment from the landscaping company but Xavier told me that he was needed for a job and that he needed to have a chat with me anyhow, so he offered to come with me.

We were deep in a conversation about how we are no closer to working out who the mole in the club was and how any of this was connected to the recent developments over on the island when a truck swerves in frount of us.

"Fucking asshole" Xavier grumbles as he changes lane to avoid the truck as it settles in our lane. Xaviers manoeuvres our car so that we head down the right hand side of the truck and I look up into the drivers side window to catch a glimpse of the driver. He is an older man who reminded me of a unwashed version of SGT Bryson.

The driver turns and gives me a creepy looking smile where he licks his lips and keeps staring at me. I feel the car speed up as Xavier goes to move away from the truck.

"Did you see what the driver was wearing." Xavier asks as I look back to confirm my thoughts. I see the snapshot of him smiling in my head and I focus on his clothes.

"Yes, he was wearing a cut, similar to yours but with a black and white badge that I think had stars?" I reply as I turn in my seat to see the truck turn left towards the service road.

Xavier looks at me and then back at the road. "That's a Bandits badge Ariel. The driver is probably a member of The Bandits." He says as he fumbles in his pocket for his phone.

I reach over and pull it out of his pocket and hand it to him. I look at my watch and realise that we have plenty of time. "Follow that truck Xavier, the decorations can wait." I say.

I see Xavier smirk out of the corner of my eye as he indicates and whips the car around. I am so glad that we are in his car s as far north mine as I think I would had throttled him if he had done that in my car. He hits redial on his phone and rattles out some orders while I swing around in my chair, looking for the truck.

You would think that finding a normal sized, bright white truck would be easy at this time of day but its like everyone in the bay has decided to be on the road today as Xavier takes the same road that the truck turned down to start to weave our way through the traffic.

Concentrating on finding the vehicle, I keeps my eyes peeled for a hint of where it could be.
"There!" I shout as I see the truck about 10 cars ahead of us and it is heading down the side road, taking the left which heads to the main second terminal.

Xavier weaves through the traffic as best as he can in the car but I then hear the roar of bikes and I see a flash of black and blue head past us. I feel my chest sigh as I recognise Blaze & Coles bikes as they head past us and weave between the cars.

I keep my eyes on the truck as Xavier tries to edge us closer and takes the same turn off. I can see the truck pulling down the hill to the terminal, and I see the bikes following but not too closely as we come in close behind them.

"Now Ariel, you are to stay in the car and not get out. Lock the doors even after I get out and if you see anything go bad, ring the police." Xavier says to me as we pull into a parking space near the terminal. He hops out of the car and makes his way over to the guys who have pulled up beside the toilet block near the start of the car ramp.

I watch as Cole pulls out a pair of binoculars and hands them to Xavier as he comes up behind him.  I try and move around in my seat, hoping to catch a glimpse of what they are looking at. I catch Blaze looking back at me ever so often and it is then that I see something shining from the left side of the building on the other side of the car ramps.

As I lean closer to the dash by undoing my seatbelt, I squint, trying to work out what it is but it's like my hands and feet are two steps in frount of my brain as I realise what I'm looking at is a rider who is holding a gun.

I scramble to get out as well as try to lean over to hit the horn in the car but as I look towards the drivers side window I let out a gasp as I see the same face of the man that was driving the truck staring back at me.

He leans on the window, his breath making a haze on the glass as he snickers at me. I see his arm move towards the door handle which encourages me to turn towards my own door unlocking it so that I can make my escape.

I let out a scream as I fling the passengers side door open and fall backwards out of the car.

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