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"Mrs Anderson, I get that you want Ariel to go into a main stream school but she has special needs that our school might not be able to supply for her." The Principal said as he tried to reason with the woman.

They were all seated in a big office where the Principal was sitting behind a huge desk with Mrs Anderson and her daughter sitting opposite him.

"Look Mr Grant, Ariel is not special. She is a normal girl and she will attend this school or we will see you in court." The woman raised, preparing herself for a verbal fight. She had heard it all before and was not going to listen to another lazy fool who was to busy trying to keep his school under the radar rather than opening up to all members of the community.

The Principal leant back in his chair "There will be no special treatment. Ariel will be treated like everyone else."

"That is exactly what we want." She said as she put out her hand and waved her fingers, ushering for the little girl to hold her hand.

They left the room and made their way out of the office and away from the building.

"Mother, why did he not want me here?" The little girl asked.

"Because he is a silly man who is narrow minded. Don't worry your head about it. You will be starting school here on Monday and you will do well." The woman replied as she unlocked the car and held the back passenger door open.

"Ok Mother, I will try my best." the little girl replied.

"That is all I ask for Ariel, for you to try your best and show people like that man that you are smart, you are strong and you are brave." She leant down, helping the little girl put on her seatbelt whilst popping a kiss on her forehead.

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