Chapter 11

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I'm in the kitchen when I hear a knock at my door. I put my washing down and make my way to the door. I locked through the peep hole but I don't see anyone there. I unlock the door and look around, as I look down I see that there is a package with a big bow on the doorstep.

I look around again for anyone, usually when Australia Post drop off a parcel, they still stick around for you to either sign something or to make sure that someone opens the door.

After not seeing anyone, cautiously I pick up the box and kick the door closed as I make my way to my kitchen, placing the box onto the island bench.

I survey the box but I can't find any card or anything written on the box to say who sent it nor where it came from. The box is pure white and the bow is bright red.

I step away from it and leave it on the bench as I go about finishing my washing up. I do a mental run through and wonder what it could be. I didn't order anything nor was I expecting any gifts.

I pick up my phone and ring Carrie. She will know what to do. The phone does not even ring once before she answers the phone.

"Hello Ariel, how are you?" Carries cheery voice comes over the phone.

"Hello Carrie, I got a parcel." I reply.

"Wow Ariel, what did you order?" She replies.

"Nothing, I didn't order anything?" I reply.

"Oh, is it a gift from someone?" She asks.

"Not that I am expecting." I reply.

"Well, what does the card say?" Carrie asks. I can hear her shuffling around in the background.

"There is no card and no writing on the box." I reply.

"Take a photo of the parcel and send it to me." Carrie sounds serious now and I begin to think that this must not be good.

I snap a photo on my phone and send it to her. 

"Ok, I got it. Wow Ariel that is a beautiful bow. Are you sure there was no card? Was it delivered by Australia Post?" She asks.

"No, it was just left on my doorstep. There was no one nearby." I say as I start to wonder what Carrie is getting at.

"Ok, I'm coming over. I'll be there in 5 minutes. Don't touch anything until I get there." Carrie replies as she hangs up.

I step away from the parcel like its a ticking bomb. My mind starts to swim with what could possibly be in the box.

I take out a pair of scissors and gently undo the bow looking over the box.

In big black letters are the words 'wear me'. I giggle as I think of how this reminds me of Alice in Wonderland and where Alice picks up a small vial that says 'Drink me".

I cut along the tape hold the lid on and take it off. There is some light blue paper that I shuffle and see some pale blue material.

As I pull the material up, I notice that it becomes a dress. I pull the dress out of the box and hold it out, looking at it.

It is a pale blue sundress with a black band around the waist. It has white tule underneath the skirt which make the skirt part flare out.

I hold it to my body and twirl around. The size is perfect and the feel of the dress is nice and light. I'm amazed by how the skirt flows. I stand in the kitchen just running my hands over the dress.

My phone pings and I pout at the fact that I have to put the dress down to see who it is.

New Message
Blaze - Do you like it love?

I feel my cheeks get warm as I read the message a second time.  I can't believe Blaze sent me a dress. How did he know what to buy.

Ariel - I love it Blaze, Thank you so much for it but you didn't have to get me a dress.

I only have to wait a second before his reply comes through.

Blaze - Wear it tonight Ariel. Please, for me.

Without even thinking I snort laugh. Carrie is staring at me, watching this all unfold. She has this look on her face like she already knows what Blaze is typing.

"Why are you staring at me like that Carrie?" I ask her.

Carrie gets up and moves to place her hand on my arm.

"Oh hun, I am just watching you and I am really happy seeing your expressions as you talk with Blaze." She replies.

"How do you know I'm talking to Blaze?" I ask.

"Oh Ariel, I've know you nearly all your life and I know that you only get that look when a young Edward Jensen is in the room." She giggles as she turns and takes the dress into my room.

I look back at my phone to see a ? From Blaze.

Ariel - Yes Blaze, I will wear it tonight. See you soon.

Not even 2 seconds go past before he replies with just a face with a love heard stuck to the mouth. I have not idea what that means, but I find it really cute and just smile at it.

"Come on Ariel, there is not much time. Get in here so that we can get you ready." Carrie calls from my bedroom.

I put my phone on charge and make my way to my room, wondering what Carrie has in store for me.

Being home.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin